Massey, Pete

Part of:
One and Other Project
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Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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Massey, Pete. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work



Physical description

Audio file duration: 00:18:49 Format of original recording: wav 44.1 khz 16 bit MicportPro.


Peter John Massey is from Holmfirth in Yorkshire. He considers the project the ultimate portrait. He is going to fill in his expenses while on the plinth, he is also going to defend himself against swine flu, pay an homage to Michael Jackson, encourage people to join the anti BNP website, and possibly run a game of bingo - as a reflection of Britain today. He likes that expenses are a record of him in space and time. He has organised and promoted arts events and works for the Arts Council, but has not been a performer. He sees art as a form of secular religion, a way of understanding and celebrating the world. He is married to a visual artists and has two daughters. He was born and brought up in Scarborough. His children are important to him, he is also concerned about retaining employment. He is giving a prize of a crunchie for guessing his expenses correctly. He describes himself as generally optimistic and see his glass as at least half full, he likes to laugh and going to parties. He is wearing a decorators suit and will also wear a mask and gloves as part of his swine flu prevention.

Copyright note

These recordings are part of the One & Other interview series that has been licensed by the Wellcome Trust for public use under Creative Commons Attribution-non commercial-Share Alike 3.00 UK. This means that anyone based in the UK can share and remix the material, as long as it is for non-commercial purposes. Credits, where given, should be to the library at Wellcome Collection, London. (c) Wellcome Trust.


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