King Sanjaya redeems the children of Vessantara, paying to the brahmin the weight of the girl in gold. Watercolour.
- Date:
- [1815]
- Reference:
- 725925i
- Part of:
- Episodes in the life of Prince Vessantara. Album of watercolours, 1815.
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Also known as
Tipiṭaka. Suttapiṭaka. Khuddakanikāya. Jātaka. Vessantarajātaka. n 80152979
Episodes in the life of the prince known in Pali as Vessantara (in Tibetan as Dri-med-kun-Idan or Thams-cad-sgrol [Saviour of all, literally "Liberating all"], in Sanskrit as Viśvantara), prince of charity, who gave away his father's wish-fulfilling gem, his own wife and children and his own eyes. He is a form of the Buddha in a previous existence
Physical description
1 drawing : pen and ink and watercolour ; sheet approximately 24 x 29 cm
Extensive lettering in Burmese and/or Pali annotated with English translations
Wellcome Collection 725925i
Where to find it
album of 30 watercolours
Location Status Access Closed stores