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  • University of Oxford: view of Exeter College.
  • Department of Anatomy, University Museum, Oxford : Telephone No. 4440.
  • Department of Anatomy, University Museum, Oxford : Telephone No. 4440.
  • The installation of the Earl of Westmorland as Chancellor of Oxford University in the Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford. Engraving by T. Worlidge, 1761.
  • University of Oxford: the Vice Chancellor of Oxford (1852) and the two former ones walking towards a ceremony. Coloured etching, 1852.
  • The Schools Quadrangle and the Tower of the Five Orders, Oxford University. Etching.
  • A doctor of medicine in Oxford University wearing academic dress. Engraving by G. Edwards, 1673.
  • A doctor of medicine in Oxford University wearing academic dress. Engraving by G. Edwards, 1673.
  • University College, Oxford: aerial view with key and coats of arms. Line engraving by D. Loggan after himself.
  • University Museum, Oxford: detail of the window. Wood engraving by J.M. Williams, 1860, after A.M. Williams.