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  • A regiment of clyster-wielding apothecaries orchestrated by General George Mouton de Lobau; representing his use of water-cannons in quelling riots. Lithograph by J.C., 1831.
  • A head divided into thirty seven compartments, each containing an image representing a phrenological faculty. Wood engraving, after O.S. Fowler, c. 1840.
  • Claude Ambroise Seurat, known as the 'Human skeleton'. Stipple engraving by R. Cruikshank, 1825.
  • Claude Ambroise Seurat, known as the 'Human skeleton'. Stipple engraving by R. Cruikshank, 1825.
  • A man (Woo Kinshing), facing front, with a massive tumour on the left side of his trunk. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, 1837.