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  • Four types of spurge (Euphorbia species): two succulent stems and two low-growing plants. Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1805, after J. Ihle.
  • Various leaf forms, including succulent and compound. Watercolour by H. Cowell.
  • A plant (Mesembryanthemum spectabile): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured lithograph by Burggraaff, c. 1830, after G. Severeyns.
  • Stapelia hirsuta: entire flowering plant with separate fruit and seed. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1772.
  • A plant (Umbilicus sp.): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1772.
  • A plant (a species of Crassulaceae): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1772.
  • A plant (Euphorbia sp.): entire flowering and fruiting plant. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1772.
  • A plant (Mesembryanthemum barbatum): flowering stem. Coloured engraving, c. 1789.
  • A houseleek (Sempervivum arachnoideum): flowering plant. Coloured engraving, c. 1788.
  • A stonecrop (Sedum villosum): entire flowering plant. Coloured lithograph, c. 1863, after C. Gower.