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  • Manchester & Salford Hospital for Diseases of the Skin: facade of administration block. Photolithograph, 1903.
  • Hospital of St. John the Baptist, Winchester, Hampshire: floor plan for the church and chapel. Transfer lithograph.
  • National Hospital for Incurables and St. Mary's Church, Cowley St. John, Oxford: with a floor plan. Photolithographny J. Akerman, 1873, after C. Buckeridge.
  • National Hospital for Incurables and St. Mary's Church, Cowley St. John, Oxford. Transfer lithograph by J. Akerman, 1873, after C. Buckeridge.
  • A map of London: showing sites of medical and other interest in the City of London, and Westminster. Coloured lithograph, 1913.
  • A map of London: showing sites of medical and other interest in the City of London, and Westminster. Coloured lithograph, 1913.
  • A map of London: showing sites of medical interest in Lambeth, Pimlico, Southwark and Westminster. Coloured lithograph, 1913.
  • A map of London: showing sites of medical interest in Lambeth, Pimlico, Southwark and Westminster. Coloured lithograph, 1913.
  • Man with a ringworm infection on his back
  • Flank of a man with a ringworm infection