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  • Tower Hamlets HIV/AIDS services : an easy guide / Social Services Strategy Group.
  • Tower Hamlets HIV/AIDS services : an easy guide / Social Services Strategy Group.
  • Tower Hamlets HIV/AIDS services / Dorothy Mukasa, HIV/AIDS Development Officer, Tower Hamlets Social Services Strategy Group.
  • A group of youths dancing in a line against a backdrop of graffiti illustrations relating to youth culture including a condom balloon and a burger; an advertisement for a concert in Bordeaux in aid of Journée Mondiale de Lutte Contre de SIDA by CACIS, Centre Social, Bordeaux . Colour lithograph.
  • People gathered around a candle-lit table; one man, held by another appears terrified, one person holds a glass, and a large figure looms in the background. Aquatint. by K. Hofer, 1899.
  • Illustrated tips to prevent cholera in Senegal. Colour lithograph by Ministère de la Santé et de l'Action Sociale, ca. 2000.
  • The Italian social fabric symbolised by a chain of social types, with all relations of dependence ultimately relating back to the devil. Etching by G.M. Mitelli, 1691.
  • Two HIV positive women look over their shoulders to suggest their social isolation while below the same women look forwards to reflect a more positive attitude; an advertisement for the support services offered for HIV positive women by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Lauterbach and Boek.
  • A man holding a hypodermic syringe over a tub of diluted bleach; diagrams showing the use of bleach to clean hypodermic needles, with telephone details; advertising hygienic practices when using syringes. by , a support group for those with AIDS. Colour lithograph by Photo Co-op, Glover/Hughes and Big-Active Ltd. for Mainliners, 1990/1995.
  • Gay, bisexual, unsure, lesbian : need someone to talk to? / Metro Centre.