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  • Ensemble on fait la différence : Safe sex génération / SNEG, prévention ; dessin : Xavier Gickel.
  • Ensemble on fait la différence : Safe sex génération / SNEG, prévention ; dessin : Xavier Gickel.
  • A face made up of the features of different men and women representing an advertisement for safe sex whatever your sex by the Texas Department of Health. Colour lithograph, 1991.
  • A face made up of the features of different men and women representing an advertisement for safe sex whatever your sex by the Texas Department of Health. Colour lithograph, 1991.
  • Numerous named photographs of men and women each holding different brands of condoms representing a safe sex and anti-AIDS advertisment for the LandÆKNISEMBÆTTID. Colour lithograph, ca. 1987.
  • Rows of coloured condoms with a variety of different nick-names; advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the SUNY Purchase college in New York. Colour lithograph by Christie Salomon.
  • The black silhouettes of a couple in 3 different sexual positions representing an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by Spitnac, Societal Projects Information Training Networking and Consultancy Services. Colour lithograph, 1997?.
  • The black silhouettes of gay male and female couples engaged in different sexual positions representing an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS and HIV by Spitnac, Societal Projects Information Training Networking and Consultancy Services. Colour lithograph, 1997?.
  • A group of men looking in different directions within a red and white border surrounded by comments about AIDS related issues; an advertisement for safer sex in gay relationships by the AIDS Committee of Toronto. Colour lithograph by Sandra Guerra and Paul Johnston, 1994.
  • A group of men looking in different directions within a red and white border surrounded by comments about AIDS related issues; an advertisement for safer sex in gay relationships by the AIDS Committee of Toronto. Colour lithograph by Sandra Guerra and Paul Johnston, 1994.