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  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act / Research Defence Society.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act : summary of the supplemantary white paper (Cmnd. 9521) : Scientific procedures on living animals / Research Defence Society.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act : summary of the supplemantary white paper (Cmnd. 9521) : Scientific procedures on living animals / Research Defence Society.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act / Research Defence Society.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act / Research Defence Society.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act / Research Defence Society.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act / Research Defence Society.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act : summary of the supplemantary white paper (Cmnd. 9521) : Scientific procedures on living animals / Research Defence Society.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act : summary of the supplemantary white paper (Cmnd. 9521) : Scientific procedures on living animals / Research Defence Society.
  • Government proposals for the reform of the 1876 cruelty to animals act / Research Defence Society.