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  • Advert for Tim Pill Box
  • Progesterone only morning after pill + box
  • W. Brockedon's pills: pills, pill-box, and leaflet advertising Brockedon's Patent Compressed Pills of Pure Chlorate of Potass and of Pure Bicarbonate of Potass. From the Wellcome Institute
  • In the museum of the quack doctor, the viscount Squanderfield holds out a small pill-box as a girl dabs her face with a handkerchief. Coloured aquatint after William Hogarth.
  • In the cabinet of the quack doctor, the viscount Squanderfield holds out a small pill-box as a girl dabs her face with a handkerchief. Engraving by B. Baron after W. Hogarth, 1745.
  • A cartoon-figure called 'Leo' juggles a video, a bottle, a condom, a syringe and a pill box while standing on a tight-rope above a crater against a starry night sky; advertising the 2nd 'Stop AIDS' festival in Mainz, 1990. Colour lithograph by Klaus.
  • A physician with a garland of bottles, pill boxes and a clyster-pipe. Coloured etching after T. Rowlandson.
  • Beechams Pills worth a guinea a box : Beechams Powders for flu, colds, catarrh, headache.
  • Beechams Pills worth a guinea a box : Beechams Powders for flu, colds, catarrh, headache.
  • Beechams Pills worth a guinea a box : Beechams Powders for flu, colds, catarrh, headache.