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  • A physician and two assistants attending a plague patient. Lithographic reproduction of a woodcut.
  • A physician lecturing to students about uroscopy, he points to a flask held by an assistant. Heliotype.
  • Three 17th-century physicians with an assistant who carries a large clyster. Watercolour by E. Durandeau, 1876.
  • A physician reading a recipe instructs his assistant who is mixing with a pestle and mortar. Engraving after a twelfth century manuscript.
  • A surgeon about to bleed a male patient's leg, he is observed by an older physician and aided by an assistant. Engraving, 1586.
  • A surgeon about to bleed a male patient's leg, he is observed by an older physician and aided by an assistant. Engraving, 1586.
  • An old physician is taking a young woman's pulse and pointing to her heart, implying that she is suffering from lovesickness, the physicians' assistant is grinning and mixing a concoction. Engraving by I.S. Helman, 1775, after J.B. Leprince, 1773.
  • A physician examining a urine specimen, his young assistant is holding a large flask, in the distance is the patient with her mother. Engraving by J. Le Veau after M. Bilcoq.
  • A physician examining a urine specimen, his young assistant is holding a large flask, in the distance is the patient with her mother. Engraving by J. Le Veau after M. Bilcoq.
  • A physician by his patient's death-bed; represented with a skeletal death figure at the window and an undertaker's assistant arriving with a coffin. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1813?, after R. Newton.