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  • An easy and exact method of curing the veneral disease, in all its different appearances ... And likewise a method of curing the scurvy, gleets, whites, etc. ... with an account of its nature, causes, and symptoms: demonstrated by way of dialogue between physician and patient, for the use and instruction of all unfortunate persons who may labour under that disorder ... / [John Profily].
  • A Jewish man with a lisp trying to disclaim his religion. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1883.
  • Liranol : clorhidrato de promacina "Wyeth" para tratamientos de alcoholicos, picopatas y narcomanos agitados / Laboratorios Wyeth Interamericanos Inc.
  • Liranol : clorhidrato de promacina "Wyeth" para tratamiento de alcoholicos, psicopatas y narcomanos agitados / Laboratorios Wyeth Interamericanos Inc.
  • Claude-Ambroise Seurat, Daniel Lambert, Jeffery Hudson and an unidentified giant, surrounded by eight vignettes of other characters. Stipple engraving.
  • Mitochondria with crystalline inclusions
  • A sad lonely child sits on her bed, anxiety, illustration
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Tough Pulse (laomai)
  • A man walking along a country path is attacked by a bodysnatcher hiding behind a brick wall, who asphyxiates him by thrusting a heart-shaped plaster in his face. Coloured etching by Dickey Fubs, 1828.
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Knotted Pulse (jiemai)