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  • Community care : nursing, midwifery and health visiting / prepared for the Department of Health and Social Security by the Central Office of Information.
  • Community care : nursing, midwifery and health visiting / prepared for the Department of Health and Social Security by the Central Office of Information.
  • Nocturnal scene on a battlefield:a woman nursing a wounded soldier is pleading with a man intending to plunder the bodies to spare the man in her care. Wood engraving by F. Gilbert after J. Gilbert.
  • Nurses caring for patients in Morocco: celebrating International Nursing Day on 12 May 2002 . Colour lithograph by Moroccan Ministry of Health, 2002.
  • A pregnant woman being examined by a nurse: antenatal care in Ethiopia. Colour lithograph for Unicef, 2000.
  • A complete system of nursing / by A. Millicent Ashdown.
  • A general textbook of nursing : a comprehensive guide to the final state examinations / by Evelyn C. Pearce.
  • A nurse holding a baby. Engraving.
  • A young woman takes the hand of a sick man, while an older woman listens. Line engraving by C. Grignion after P. Sandby.
  • Fountain : a unique residential facility for people living with HIV/AIDS and experiencing problems with drug use.