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  • Georgian gentlemen smoking, drinking and reading newspapers at their club. Coloured aquatint by John Caspar Ziegler after George Moutard Woodward, published by William Holland, 1798.
  • Georgian gentlemen smoking, drinking and reading newspapers at their club. Coloured aquatint by John Caspar Ziegler after George Moutard Woodward, published by William Holland, 1798.
  • Louis Désiré Véron and Bernard-Adolphe Granier de Cassagnac dissect Adolphe Thiers; symbolising the ousting of Thiers from the editorship of the Constitutionnel, the paper bought by Véron. Wood engraving by Dumont after A. Bertall, 1851.
  • W.E. Gladstone in the character of Mr Pecksniff gestures away a persistent newspaper seller (C.S. Parnell?). Colour lithograph by Tom Merry after himself, 17 March 1888.
  • Two devils in a laboratory produce statutes with the help of a genie; showing the repressive nature of the government of France under Louis-Philippe, especially concerning the freedom of the press. Lithograph by E. Le Poittevin, 1831.
  • The old Herb Shop in Covent Garden. Photograph, 1922.
  • Chinese manuscript Lin-shih k'an-fa.
  • Three politicians accused of treason being evicted by the police. Colour lithograph by T. Merry after himself, 8 March 1890.
  • Louis (Ludwig) de Wette, physician of Basel. Oil painting by Amalia de Wette-Jersing, 1843.
  • Louis (Ludwig) de Wette, physician of Basel. Oil painting by Amalia de Wette-Jersing, 1843.