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  • A hand offers a syringe to another hand with a warning about transmission of AIDS through needle-sharing. Colour lithograph, 1988, for the Coordination Committee on Alcohol and Other Drugs (French Community in Belgium).
  • A clock in which the hands incorporate a sequence of six photographs of a couple making love then sharing a needle to inject themselves; advertisement for safe sex by the Department of Health. Colour lithograph.
  • Instructions on how to sterilize needles and syringes and a warning about the dangers of needle-sharing and AIDS within the silhouette form of 2 figures in black and grey; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Voluntary Health Association of India and the Manipur Voluntary Health Association. Colour lithograph by Ramesh Sukumar for VHAI, ca. 1995.
  • dangers of contracting AIDS through sharing needles
  • A woman holds a syringe as if smoking a cigarette watched by a black man in a green tracksuit and another in a grey dinner suit; warning about drugs, needle-sharing and safe sex practices to prevent AIDS by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for AIDS Education. Colour lithograph.
  • Sharing needles and AIDS by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe
  • A smiling sun with hearts and hands with thumbs pointing up to diagrams illustrating activities in which AIDS is not transmitted including a hand shake, two women sharing food, a man receiving blood transfusion and a couple kissing; also featuring a storm cloud and hands pointing to crossed out diagrams of a couple sharing a needle and a couple having unprotected sex; an advertisement for illustrated cards developed by L'AIPS and Le Kiosque in association with Marie de Paris and EMIPS. Colour lithograph.
  • You can't get HIV from : giving blood, insect bites, glasses, cutlery, towels, toilet seats, shaking hands, sharing meals, cups, kissing : you risk getting HIV by sharing needles or syringes, having unprotected sex / LHB.
  • Two hands shaking with a warning about sharing needles; an AIDS prevention advertisement by SASO, Lifeline, Lighthouse, Kripa and VHAM. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Take care; don't share : AIDS is spread by sharing injecting equipment and having unsafe sex : free syringes, needles and condoms are avaiable from / Druglink ; designed by Miles Chambers.