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  • Academy of Design, New York City. Photograph by Francis Frith, ca. 1880.
  • Anti-AIDS advert by Infoshare International
  • Buyers collecting their purchases after a sale of insects. Photogravure by Hanfstaengl after E. Armitage.
  • A naked woman and a suited man reach towards a condom packet as a man dressed in a long black cloak and hat holding a cat looms up behind with the moon beyond; a safe sex and anti-AIDS advertisement by Infoshare International. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • An octave for Mr Ernest Hart at Sir Henry Thompson's house. Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon R.A., ca. 1893.
  • An octave for Mr Ernest Hart at Sir Henry Thompson's house. Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon R.A., ca. 1893.
  • An octave for Mr Ernest Hart at Sir Henry Thompson's house. Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon R.A., ca. 1893.
  • An octave for Mr Ernest Hart at Sir Henry Thompson's house. Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon R.A., ca. 1893.
  • An octave for Mr Ernest Hart at Sir Henry Thompson's house. Oil painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon R.A., ca. 1893.
