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  • A love sick man taking some of Doctor Hymen's pills to try and cure himself. Watercolour painting.
  • A love-sick gentleman being advised by another to drink wine: a drinking song. Engraving and etching, 17--.
  • A love-sick gentleman being advised by another to drink wine: a drinking song. Engraving and etching, 17--.
  • A baffled doctor taking the pulse of a love-sick young woman, her maid slips a billet-doux secretly into her hand. Coloured lithograph.
  • A young woman comes to visit a sick young man in hope that her love will cure him, surrounded by relatives. Line engraving by J. Goodyear after P.E. Destouches.
  • A young woman is brought to visit a sick young man in the hope that her love will cure him; relatives and attendants are present. Coloured lithograph by Lafosse after P.-E. Destouches, ca. 1850/1879.
  • A young woman is brought to visit a sick young man in the hope that her love will cure him; relatives and attendants are present. Coloured lithograph by Lafosse after P.-E. Destouches, ca. 1850/1879.
  • A white telephone on a pale grey background, advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary orgaqnizations; with the message ''AIDS affects us all. Least of all the sick. Save the love". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, ca. 1995.
  • A young woman being attended by a (homoeopathic?) physician. Coloured photolithograph.
  • A frail and wounded soldier being saved from death by the care of his young wife. Etching by B. Roger after L. Sicard.