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  • Keep talking safer sex / London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard.
  • Keep talking safer sex / London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard.
  • A bearded man in earrings and a nun's uniform holding an apple while tweaking the nipple of a naked man; a snake entwines the two figures; an advertisement for the London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard. Lithograph.
  • A black man in briefs lies with his hands down the trousers of a white man on a bed; an advertisement for an exhibition of posters by the London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard. Colour lithograph, 1991.
  • Choose safer sex : for confidential advice you can ring: The National AIDS helpline (free) 0800 567 123, Terrence Higgins Trust 0171 242 1010, London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard 0171 837 7324 ... / Health Education Authority ; photo: Caroline Mardon.
  • Women sit at a table with their legs entwined; an advertisement for safe sex by the Lesbian and gay switchboard. Colour lithograph, 1992.
  • We are women, men, black, white, religious, non-religious, HIV positive, HIV negative, untested, sons, daughters, carers, parents, students, NHS/local authority workers ... and proud : Lesbian & Gay Switchboard ... Terrence Higgins Trust / produced by the West London Health Promotion Agency.
  • We are women, men, black, white, religious, non-religious, HIV positive, HIV negative, untested, sons, daughters, carers, parents, students, NHS/local authority workers ... and proud : Lesbian & Gay Switchboard ... Terrence Higgins Trust / produced by the West London Health Promotion Agency.
  • Metro mental health service : for lesbian, gay and bisexual people across South East London / Metro.
  • Metro mental health service : for lesbian, gay and bisexual people across South East London / Metro.