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  • Seven named physicians and botanists of the ancient Greek world. Engraving by J.M. Lohié after C. Bourguignon, called Laguiche.
  • Hippocrates upon Air, water, and situation; upon Epidemical diseases; and upon Prognosticks, in acute cases especially. To this is added (by way of comparison) Thucydidesʼs Account of the plague of Athens / The whole translated, methodisʼd, and illustrated with useful and explanatory notes by Francis Clifton. [With life of Hippocrates from Soranus].
  • Hippocrates upon Air, water, and situation; upon Epidemical diseases; and upon Prognosticks, in acute cases especially. To this is added (by way of comparison) Thucydidesʼs Account of the plague of Athens / The whole translated, methodisʼd, and illustrated with useful and explanatory notes by Francis Clifton. [With life of Hippocrates from Soranus].
  • The refurbishment (or building) of a Lock Hospital; men with various ailments are stepping out of Pandora's box; a rich, smiling, doctor drives by in a carriage. Coloured etching by T. Williamson, 1802.
  • Upper Egypt, temple at Dendara, 1989
  • Upper Egypt, temple at Dendara, 1989
  • Upper Egypt, temple at Dendara, 1989
  • Step pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt
  • Step Pyramid at Saqqare, Egypt
  • Step Pyramid at Saqqare, Egypt