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  • Carl F. W. Ludwig's kymograph
  • Portrait of W. F. Chambers.
  • William Henry Harvey. Stipple engraving by F. Holl after F. W. Burton.
  • F. W. Wittmore. Photograph by Draycott.
  • Childbirth. Lithograph after W. F. Victor Bonney.
  • F. W. Scanzoni von Lichtenfels, Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe
  • Post-partum haemorrhage. Lithograph after W. F. Victor Bonney.
  • Robert Jameson. Lithograph by F. Schenck after W. Stewart.
  • Sir Francis Drake. Stipple engraving by F. W. Bollinger.
  • Alexander Monro. Lithograph by F. Schenck after W. Stewart.
