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  • A salesman selling booklets on self-surgery from a knapsack in the street. Coloured lithograph by C. Philipon, 1829.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor and his assistants being pelted off stage with stones from an angry audience. Engraving by C.F. Stoelzel, 1798, after J. Schenau.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor reciting from a piece of paper trying and sell his wares to a small audience. Facsimile reproduction of an etching by J. Both after A. Both.
  • A travelling medicine vendor. Etching by Rembrandt van Rijn, 1635.
  • A young man buying a potion (to induce falling in love?) from a street medicine vendor from Molière's play L'amour médecin. Engraving after J.B. Molière.
  • A travelling medicine vendor. Etching by Rembrandt van Rijn, 1635.
  • Doctor Humbug, an itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares from a stage with the aid of an assistant. Coloured etching, 1799.
  • A travelling medicine vendor. Etching by Rembrandt van Rijn, 1635.
  • A well groomed itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares from a smart carriage. Steel engraving by K. Schüler (?) after F. Piloty.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage to an audience while his assistant draws a tooth from a man. Etching by Diebiey, 1767.