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  • Vicia faba L. Fabaceae. Broad beans, Fava bean. Distribution: N. Africa, SW Asia. Culpeper (1650) writes: 'Fabarum. Of Beans. Of Bean Cods (or Pods as we in Sussex call them) being burned, the ashes are a sovereign remedy for aches in the joints, old bruises, gout and sciaticaes.’ The beans are perfectly edible for the majority, but 1% of Caucasians, predominantly among Greeks, Italians and people from the Eastern Mediterranean regions, have a genetic trait in that they lack the ability to produce the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. As a consequence, eating broad beans or even inhaling the pollen, causes a severe haemolytic anaemia a few days later. This condition is known as favism. The whole plant, including the beans, contains levodopa, a precursor of dopamine, and some patients with Parkinsonism report symptomatic improvement after commencing on a diet that contains these beans regularly. A case of neuroleptic malignant-like syndrome (fever, rigidity, autonomic instability, altered consciousness, elevated creatine phosphokinase levels) consequent on abrupt discontinuation of a diet containing plenty of broad beans, has been described in a patient with Parkinsonism. This is usually seen when patients abruptly discontinue L-dopa therapy. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Diet and nutrition / Françoise Wright.
  • The Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911) : as supplied to hospitals and nursing homes : sole makers of the genuine yaghourt preparations for life prolonging : 22, Great Chapel Street, (corner of 101-103 Oxford St.) Oxford Street, W.1., London / Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911).
  • The Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911) : as supplied to hospitals and nursing homes : sole makers of the genuine yaghourt preparations for life prolonging : 22, Great Chapel Street, (corner of 101-103 Oxford St.) Oxford Street, W.1., London / Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911).
  • The Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911) : as supplied to hospitals and nursing homes : sole makers of the genuine yaghourt preparations for life prolonging : 22, Great Chapel Street, (corner of 101-103 Oxford St.) Oxford Street, W.1., London / Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911).
  • The Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911) : as supplied to hospitals and nursing homes : sole makers of the genuine yaghourt preparations for life prolonging : 22, Great Chapel Street, (corner of 101-103 Oxford St.) Oxford Street, W.1., London / Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911).
  • The Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911) : as supplied to hospitals and nursing homes : sole makers of the genuine yaghourt preparations for life prolonging : 22, Great Chapel Street, (corner of 101-103 Oxford St.) Oxford Street, W.1., London / Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911).
  • The Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911) : as supplied to hospitals and nursing homes : sole makers of the genuine yaghourt preparations for life prolonging : 22, Great Chapel Street, (corner of 101-103 Oxford St.) Oxford Street, W.1., London / Boudja Manoli Yaghourt Co. (1911).
  • The cause of stomach troubles : being a treatise on the successful treatment of such disorders as: indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, acidity, flatulence, flushed face, waterbrash, wind, etc. by Bisurated Magnesia / Bismag Limited.
  • The cause of stomach troubles : being a treatise on the successful treatment of such disorders as: indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, acidity, flatulence, flushed face, waterbrash, wind, etc. by Bisurated Magnesia / Bismag Limited.