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  • A man dressed wearing a long coat and a hat bearing the word "Cook", stands outside a building. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • A man dressed wearing a long coat and a hat bearing the word "Cook", stands outside a building. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • Copy of letter written by Charles Hall
  • Copy of letter written by Charles Hall
  • Copy of letter written by Charles Hall
  • Copy of letter written by Charles Hall
  • Hindu temple in the fort of Rotasgarh, Bihar. Coloured aquatint by Thomas Daniell, 1796.
  • Wax models of the head and neck (figs 1-3), and of the right hemisphere of the brain (figs 4-5), made by G. G. Zumbo. Engraving by J. Robert after M. Basseporte, 1749.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.