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  • A street entertainer makes two monkeys on a lead, dance to music as part of an act. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • A street entertainer makes two sloth bears on a lead, dance to music as part of an act. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • A drunken party with sailors and their women drinking, smoking, and dancing wildly as a band plays. Reproduction of an etching by C. H., c. 1825, after G. Cruikshank.
  • A couple of male and a couple of female symbols dancing, representing a party provided by AIDS-Hilfe Flensburg e. V. and by lesbian and gay organizations. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • The legs of a woman dancing on a swirling green background with the words 'Red Hot + Rio The Party'; an advertisement for a Brazilian music event on 24th November 1996 at BKA-Zelt, a venue in Berlin; organised by Berliner AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph.
  • A crouching male figure with the words 'oppression' curving around his back and a another male figure raising his arms in the air with words 'liberation' representing an advertisement for Freedom, a safe-sex celebration dance party in aid of AIDS/HIV at The Old 'Star' Building, Christchurch in association with the New Zealand AIDS Foundation. Lithograph.
  • A man is playing a tambourine as couples are dancing in a ballroom. Process print after J.L. Stewart.
  • A young lady is being asked by a young man to join the other couples on the dance floor. Engraving by S.S. Smith after J. Stephanoff.
  • After a haymaking holiday,  three couples are dancing to a man playing the flute and a woman playing the accordion. Colour wood engraving after R. Caldecott, 1881.
  • A man and a woman face one another on the dance floor as people behind look on with disapproving faces. Lithograph by C.J.W. Winter.