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  • Antiquities of Mexico: comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Dresden; in the Imperial Library of Vienna; in the Vatican Library; in the Borgian Museum at Rome; in the Library of the Institute at Bologna; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix: with their respective scales of measurement and accompanying descriptions. The whole illustrated by many valuable inedited manuscripts / by Lord Kingsborough; the drawings, on stone, by A. Aglio.
  • Antiquities of Mexico: comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Dresden; in the Imperial Library of Vienna; in the Vatican Library; in the Borgian Museum at Rome; in the Library of the Institute at Bologna; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix: with their respective scales of measurement and accompanying descriptions. The whole illustrated by many valuable inedited manuscripts / by Lord Kingsborough; the drawings, on stone, by A. Aglio.
  • Scenery to be used in a toy theatre: a landscape with a lake, palm trees and a hut with a pathway leading to it. Lithograph.
  • Scenery to be used in a toy theatre: a lake surrounded by palm trees. Lithograph.
  • Scenery to be used in a toy theatre: the camp of Cortez in Mexico. Lithograph.
  • Scenery to be used in a toy theatre: a rocky overhang, a palm tree and vegetation, trees and bushes and a ceremonial fire casket decorated with dragons. Lithograph.
  • Scenery to be used in a toy theatre: a rocky overhang with a water fall looks out over the water towards a a mountainous area. Lithograph.
  • Scenery to be used in a toy theatre: wooden steps and a bridge have been built up over the river. Lithograph.
  • Scenery to be used in a toy theatre: palm trees on the water's edge with a mountainous region on the other side. Lithograph.
  • Scenery to be used in a toy theatre: a large gateway between two decorated pillars surmounted by dragons set overlooking a town. Lithograph.
