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  • Robespierre lying on a wooden bench being interrogated by the Committee of Public Safety. Wood engraving.
  • A blue silhouette figure stands with one arm resting on a cave wall, the other behind his head as he looks out at a sunset across the sea in the form of a blue target with a yellow surround; an advertisement for the 1st meeting about Andalucian AIDS and Society on 2 December 1989, a collaboration by the Civic Committee of Anti-AIDS Granada and the Andalusian School of Public Health. Colour lithograph. 1989.
  • Children walking up a grassy knoll in the open air, taking healthy exercise. Colour lithograph after F. L. Mora. 1918.
  • Children walking up a grassy knoll in the open air, taking healthy exercise. Colour lithograph after F. L. Mora. 1918.
  • A report on the first year / COPUS.
  • A report on the first year / COPUS.
  • Four arms joining at the hands to form a square inside which are 6 gremlin like HIV virus cells representing the Youth Campaign to contain the deadly HIV virus; advertisement issued by ICYO Indian Committee of Youth Organizations for Youth Workers. Colour lithograph by Akash Gulalia, ca. 1995.
  • Brain drain? : depression, mood swings, risk-taking, mid-week blues, rage, lethargy, low self-esteem, neglect, emotional... / Camden & Islington Community Health Services NHS Trust ; designed by Eureka! Graphic Design Limited.
  • Brain drain? : depression, mood swings, risk-taking, mid-week blues, rage, lethargy, low self-esteem, neglect, emotional... / Camden & Islington Community Health Services NHS Trust ; designed by Eureka! Graphic Design Limited.
  • A range of AIDS posters torn in a circle to reveal a pink centre showing details of an exhibition of AIDS posters in Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, 1996.