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  • Domine dirige nos / [Corporation of the City of London].
  • Domine dirige nos / [Corporation of the City of London].
  • Sir John Simon (?) in his role as the first Medical Officer of Health for the City of London putting pressure on the Corporation of London to act upon the pestilential conditions of the graveyards in the City. Lithograph by Bolus, 1851.
  • Sir John Simon (?) in his role as the first Medical Officer of Health for the City of London putting pressure on the Corporation of London to act upon the pestilential conditions of the graveyards in the City. Lithograph by Bolus, 1851.
  • Aldermen of the City of London Corporation represented as Chinese and as monsters in procession to Westminster to protest against the Treaty of Paris, 1763. Etching after J.H. O'Neale, 1763.
  • A general list of the members of the Royal College of Surgeons in England : members who reside and practise, or who have resided and practised, in or within seven miles of the City of London ... members who do not reside or practise, in or within seven miles of the City of London.
  • Visit of the delegates to Eleventh International Veterinary Congress : the Corporation of the City of London request the honour of the company of... at a conversazione at Guildhall on Friday the 8th of August 1930 at 7.30 o'clock p.m.
  • Three officers in the City of London Corporation holding different types of sticks ("characteresticks"): Lord Mayor Crosby with a scourge for wheat-speculators; John Wilkes with a Herculean club for defeating corruption; and and a bull representing Frederick Bull, with the sheriff's staff of office. Engraving after S.L., 1772.
  • We, the court of examiners, chosen and appointed by the master, wardens and assistants of the Society of the Art and Mystery of Apothecaries of the City of London in pursuance of a certain Act of Parliament passed in the 55th year of the reign of his majesty King George the third entitled an Act for the better regulating the practice of apothecaries throughout England and Wales, do hereby by virtue of the power & authority invested by the said Act certify that ... has been by us carefully and deliberately examined as to his skills & abilities in the science & practice of medicine ... duly qualified as an apothecary.
  • Reception and banquet, Friday, 10th May, 1929 / International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy.