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  • Child care; Infant Mortality rate 1851-1901
  • Fifteen vignettes relating to child care, domestic medicine, effects of alcohol and eating. Etching by G. Cruikshank after himself.
  • Fifteen vignettes relating to child care, domestic medicine, effects of alcohol and eating. Etching by G. Cruikshank after himself.
  • A smiling healthy baby: child health care in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, ca. 2000.
  • Djibouti: involvement of women in computer work, agriculture, healthcare and child care, as a key to personal and national development, leading to health for women. Colour lithograph by Ministère de la Santé and the World Health Organization, ca. 2002.
  • An HIV positive woman with her child representing an advertisement for free medicine and medical care for people with HIV or AIDS as part of the AIDS Drug Assistance Program by the New York State Health Department and New York City.
  • An HIV positive woman with her child representing an advertisement for free medicine and medical care for people with HIV or AIDS as part of the AIDS Drug Assistance Program by the New York State Health Department and New York City. Colour lithograph.
  • A father who is HIV positive with his child representing an advertisement for free medicine and medical care for people with HIV or AIDS as part of the AIDS Drug Assistance Program by the New York State Health Department and New York City. Colour lithograph.
  • A woman carrying her HIV positive child on her back within her elaborate sari wrap; with an AIDS prevention message about caring for those who need you by SASO, Lifeline, Lighthouse, Kripa and VHAM. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A woman and child caring for a man sick with AIDS in bed with further illustrations demonstrating how to protect from and prevent AIDS; an advertisement for AIDS education from the Ministry of Health AIDS Control Programme. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995 (?).