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  • Smooth ER, cell membrane and nucleus
  • Yeast cell plasma membrane, Freeze fracture and etching TEM
  • Polarisation of embryonic cell membranes
  • TEM - mitochondria and cell membranes
  • TEM - mitochondrion and cell membranes
  • Yeast cells plasma membrane, Freeze fracture and etching TEM
  • Chloroplasts in a plant cell, in this case a spinach leaf. Inside the chloroplasts, the stacks of thylakoid membranes are where the action takes place. The dark spots are starch granules. In close proximity are the mitochondria, with curved membranes, and the endothelial reticulum. This system of membranes navigates between the energy producing organelles until it reaches the nucleus, where it also forms the nuclear membranes.
  • Drawing of the 1918 Influenza: Main bronchus of a set of influenza lungs in the Museum at Guy's Hospital. Showing congestion of vessels and infiltration of round cells, thickening of membrane.
  • Myelination in sciatic nerve.
  • Lung cancer cell. This image shows a single cell grown from a culture of lung epithelial carcinoma (cancer) cells. The purple area shows blebbing.