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  • A man in protective clothing pouring a toxic substance: the importance of protective clothing in Ethiopia. Colour lithograph for the World Health Organisation, 2000.
  • A worker in construction or in heavy manufacturing industry looking favourably at items of protective clothing; advertising the use of protective clothing in heavy industry. Colour lithograph, 1982.
  • A man dressed in absurd protective clothing against the cholera epidemic. Etching, c. 1832.
  • A hospital plague ward: attendants wearing protective clothing including headmasks and gloves. Watercolour, 1915/1935 (?).
  • Japan: spear-men wearing protective clothing and masks. Coloured photograph by Felice Beato, ca. 1868.
  • World War One, France: a radiographer wearing protective clothing and headpiece. Photograph by H. J. Hickman, ca. 1918.
  • World War One, France: a radiographer wearing protective clothing and headpiece. Photograph by H. J. Hickman, ca. 1918.
  • Liverpool Port Sanitary Authority rat-catchers dressed in protective clothing with traps and equipment, Liverpool, England. Photograph, 1900/1920.
  • The importance of protective clothing when handling toxic substances in Ethiopia. Colour lithograph for the World Health Organisation, 2000.
  • A man in protective clothing spraying the interior of a house: malaria prevention in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, 2003.