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  • Broadway, New York City: view from the Post Office. Photograph, ca. 1880.
  • The A.T. Stewart store, Broadway, New York City. Photograph by Francis Frith, ca. 1880.
  • Madison Square, Broadway, New York City: showing the Worth monument (right) Photograph by Francis Frith, ca. 1880.
  • New York City: Broadway in the snow, with a fire-engine passing a horse-drawn carriage. Aquatint by P. Girardet after H. Sebron, 1857.
  • New York City: Broadway in the snow, with a fire-engine passing a horse-drawn carriage. Aquatint by P. Girardet after H. Sebron, 1857.
  • Bert Errol, in drag, dressed as a bride. Photographic postcard by Apeda, 192-.
  • Bert Errol, in drag, dressed as a bride. Photographic postcard by Apeda, 192-.
  • AIDS Brooklyn timeline : what are important dates in your personal history with AIDS, that of someone close to you, or for your community as a whole? : date .. what happened?.
  • Telling the story of AIDS in Brooklyn : how and why we created "AIDS/Brooklyn" and what we discovered about AIDS in our Borough.
  • Telling the story of AIDS in Brooklyn : how and why we created "AIDS/Brooklyn" and what we discovered about AIDS in our Borough.