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  • A camel whose body is composed of copulating humans. Gouache painting.
  • A camel whose body is composed of copulating humans. Gouache painting.
  • Nerves of the human body. Watercolour painting by a Persian artist.
  • Nerves of the human body. Watercolour painting by a Persian artist.
  • Bloodletting points and moxa points on the human body. Gouache painting, Tibet.
  • An oryx whose body is formed of three pairs of copulating humans. Gouache painting.
  • An oryx whose body is formed of three pairs of copulating humans. Gouache painting.
  • A shaman or medicine man with extensive body painting, Worgaia, Central Australia. Process print.
  • A horse whose body is formed of three pairs of copulating humans. Gouache painting.
  • A horse whose body is formed of three pairs of copulating humans. Gouache painting.