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  • Two scenes of people in mediaeval costume playing games with a bat and ball. Etching.
  • A cricket ball has hit a batsman in the face as he plays a game on the cricket field. Colour lithograph after G. Finch Mason, 1898.
  • A group of men playing a game outside with a ball and nine pins, a woman watches from a doorway. Engraving by A. Laurent, 1743, after David Teniers.
  • A doctor reading the 'Lancet' in a gentleman's club: another member states it is boring, and suggests they play billiards which the doctor would find more boring. Wood engraving by C. Keene, 1883.
  • St Pancras Wells, King's Cross, London: aerial view showing the "trap ball" ground, with men playing, St Pancras Church in the background. Etching.
  • People engaged in pleasures (dancing, drinking, gaming, flirting) to counteract the pains of illness and old age. Line engraving attributed to O. van Veen (Vaenius).
  • Papers of Charles McMoran Wilson, Lord Moran
  • Troops attending a muster in Scotland play the game of popinjay, watched by crowds of local people. Engraving by J. Carter, 1836, after R.B. Davis.
  • A man, half human and half skeleton. Coloured etching after R. Dighton, 17--.