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  • Recetario de Galieno optimo e probato a tutte le infermita che acadeno a homini e a donne de dentro e di fuora alli corpi humani / Traduto in vulgare per Maestro Zuane Saracino.
  • An analysis of the British ferns and their allies / by G.W. Francis.
  • The German flag is being pulled by the Allies from under a dachshund representing Germany; representig the seizure of German colonies by the Allies in the First World War. Drawing by A.G. Racey, 191-.
  • World War One: Russia: a sign reading "Welcome Brave Allies!" with union jacks outside a military building. Photograph, 1914/1918.
  • James II and Louis XIV and their allies portrayed as inmates of a lunatic asylum. Etching by R. de Hooghe, 1688.
  • James II and Louis XIV and their allies portrayed as inmates of a lunatic asylum. Etching by R. de Hooghe, 1688.
  • The battle of Wittstock, 1636: the Swedish army and its allies fighting against the forces of Saxony and the Empire. Etching by Caspar Luyken, 1698.
  • A Turkish man seated on a stool near a gallows prepares a noose inscribed "Declaration of war against the Allies". Drawing by A.G. Racey, 191-.
  • World War I: the Kaiser as a chemist trying to dissolve the Allies but finding that his solvents do not work. Ink drawing by J. Walker, 1916.
  • World War I: the Kaiser as a chemist trying to dissolve the Allies but finding that his solvents do not work. Ink drawing by J. Walker, 1916.