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  • Red skyline of Edmonton advertising the AIDS Network of Edmonton Society. Colour lithograph.
  • Things you can do about HIV and AIDS; advertisement by The AIDS Network of Edmonton Society. Colour lithograph.
  • A blackboard within a red border bearing a message about AIDS; advertisement by the AIDS Network of Edmonton Society. Colour lithograph.
  • The sun with stars representing an advertisement for a Gilbert and Sullivan evening presented by Edmonton Opera and The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra Richard Eaton Singers on March 31 1993; produced by Halkier and Dutton Design for the AIDS Network of Edmonton Society. Colour lithograph.
  • A pinned red ribbon with details of a music and dinner benefit performance in aid of the AIDS Network of Edmonton Society on Sunday, January 30, 1994. Colour lithograph by Cheryl Anne Lieberman Graphics.
  • A group of figures in negative representing an advertisement for a benefit concert/dance to support the Smart Sex Campaign by the AIDS Network of Edmonton Society on Friday, March 8, 1996. Colour lithograph, 1996.
  • A woman's white arm touches the hand of a man's black arm with a red ribbon behind a crumpled newspaper representing an advertisement for a "black and white" gala evening for the AIDS Network of Edmonton Society on 19 February 1995. Lithograph.
  • [8 February 1942 concert programme in aid of the British Red Cross Society. Held at the Ritz Cinema, Bowes Road, Edmonton, London].
  • [8 February 1942 concert programme in aid of the British Red Cross Society. Held at the Ritz Cinema, Bowes Road, Edmonton, London].
  • [8 February 1942 concert programme in aid of the British Red Cross Society. Held at the Ritz Cinema, Bowes Road, Edmonton, London].