61 results filtered with: Tabes Dorsalis
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Folie et tabès / Elie Naggar.
Naggar, Elie.Date: 1896- Books
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Eye symptoms in tabes dorsalis / by J. H. Tomlinson.
Tomlinson, J. H.Date: [1902?]- Books
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Les affections parasyphilitiques / par Alfred Fournier.
Fournier, Alfred, 1832-1914.Date: 1894- Books
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Ueber die Tabes : eine Abhandlung für praktische Aerzte / von P. J. Möbius.
Möbius, P. J. (Paul Julius), 1853-1907.Date: 1897- Books
Le traitement de la paralysie générale et du tabès par la malaria provoquée / par A. Fribourg-Blanc.
Fribourg-Blanc, André, 1921-Date: 1929- Books
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De tabe dorsuali : dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / auctor Guilelmus Koenig.
Koenig, Wilhelm.Date: 1837- Books
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On sclerosis of the spinal cord : including locomotor ataxy, spastic spinal paralysis, and other system-diseases of the spinal cord: their pathology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment / by Julius Althaus.
Althaus, Julius, 1833-1900.Date: 1885- Books
Note of a case of labour, complicated with locomotor ataxia / by Angus Macdonald.
Macdonald, Angus, 1836-1886.Date: 1879- Books
Progressive locomotor ataxy : its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment / by Julius Althaus.
Althaus, Julius, 1833-1900.Date: 1866- Videos
Case of tabes.
Date: 1951- Books
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De l'ataxie locomotrice : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 19 février 1862 / par George Dujardin-Beaumetz.
Dujardin-Beaumetz, Georges Octave, 1833-1895.Date: 1862- Books
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On tabes dorsalis : the Lumleian Lectures delivered before the Royal College of Physicians, London, March, 1906 / by David Ferrier.
Ferrier, David, 1843-1928.Date: 1906- Film
Case of tabes.
Date: 1951- Books
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Ueber die Complication des Morbus Basedowii mit der Tabes dorsalis : inaugural-dissertation welche zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde in der Medicin und Chirurgie mit Zustimmung der Medicinischen Facultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin / der Verfasser Leonidas Timotheeff.
Timotheeff, Leonidas.Date: [1893]- Books
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A practical essay upon the tabes dorsalis, in the way of aphorism and commentary : in which the history of that distemper is laid down, the rationale of its symptoms given, and the method of cure.
Date: 1848- Archives and manuscripts
'Myotonic pupil' and Markus's and Adie's syndrome
Date: 1905-1946Reference: PP/FPW/B.221Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
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Tabis dorsualis adumbratio pathologica : dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / auctor Theophilus Guilelmus Schesmer.
Schesner, Gottlieb Wilhelm.Date: 1819- Books
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Étude sur quelques points de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine présentée et soutenue le 3 août 1868 / par Paul Dubois.
Dubois, Paul, 1848-1918.Date: 1868- Archives and manuscripts
Miscellaneous organic and functional diseases of the nervous system
Date: 1914-1950Reference: PP/FPW/B.226/3Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
Practical essays and remarks on that species of consumption incident to youth, and the different stages of life, commonly called tabes dorsalis; with an account of the nature, causes, and cure of that distemper, and the diseases arising therefrom, especially those of the seminal organs, and morbid affections of the nervous system, including the atrophy, and the phthisis, or consumption in general. To which are added, extracts ... demonstrating the baneful effects of unnatural venery / [Henry St. John Neale].
Neale, Henry St. John, active 1780-1806.Date: 1806- Books
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Sur une variété de déformation du pied chez une tabétique / par Pierre Marie et Bouttier.
Marie, Pierre, 1853-1940.Date: 1913- Books
Schnitte durch das erkrankte Rückenmark des Menschen / gefertigt, photographiert und erläutert von Paul Kronthal.
Kronthal, Paul.Date: 1894- Books
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Progressive locomotor ataxy : its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment / by Julius Althaus.
Althaus, Julius, 1833-1900.Date: 1866- Books
Cases of spinal diseases, with autopsies / H.C. Wood and F.X. Dercum.
Wood, H. C., Jr. (Horatio C.), 1841-1920.Date: [1885?]- Books
Locomotor ataxia (tabes dorsalis) : an introduction to the study and treatment of nervous diseases, for students and practitioners / by William J.M.A. Maloney.
Maloney, William Joseph Marie Alois, 1881-Date: 1918