159 results filtered with: Pharyngeal Diseases
- Books
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A text-book of diseases of the nose and throat / by Francke Huntington Bosworth.
Bosworth, F. H. (Francke Huntington), 1843-1925.Date: 1897- Books
Diseases of the nose and throat / by F. de Havilland Hall and Herbert Tilley.
Hall, F. de Havilland (Francis de Havilland), 1847-1929.Date: 1901- Books
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The use of the laryngoscope in diseases of the throat : with an appendix on rhinoscopy / by Morell Mackenzie.
Mackenzie, Morell, 1837-1892.Date: 1866- Books
Diseases of the nose and throat : for practitioners and students / by Charles J. Imperatori and Herman J. Burman.
Imperatori, Charles J. (Charles Johnstone), 1878-Date: [1935], ©1935- Books
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A new inquiry into the causes, symptoms, and cure, of putrid and inflammatory fevers : with an appendix on the hectic fever, and on the ulcerated and malignant sore throat. ... / By William Fordyce.
Fordyce, William, Sir, 1724-1792.Date: 1777- Books
Ear, nose, and throat diseases for medical students / by William McKenzie.
McKenzie, William (William Stewart)Date: 1953- Books
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A manual of diseases of the nose and throat / by Cornelius Godfrey Coakley.
Coakley, Cornelius Godfrey, 1862-1934.Date: 1900- Books
Clinical manual for the study of diseases of the throat / by James Walker Downie.
Downie, J. Walker (James Walker), 1855-1921.Date: 1909- Books
On diseases of the throat and windpipe, as reflected by the laryngoscope : a complete manual upon their diagnosis and treatment / by George Duncan Gibb.
Gibb, G. Duncan (George Duncan), Sir, 1821-1876.Date: 1864- Books
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Diseases of the nose and throat / by F. de Havilland Hall and Herbert Tilley.
Hall F. de Havilland (Francis de Havilland), 1847-1929.Date: 1901- Books
- Online
On local treatment of the mucous membrane of the throat, for cough and bronchitis / by J. E. Riadore.
Date: 1855- Books
A text-book of diseases of the nose and throat / by D. Braden Kyle.
Kyle, D. Braden (David Braden), 1863-1916.Date: 1914- Books
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A manual of diseases of the throat and nose / by Francke Huntington Bosworth.
Bosworth, F. H. (Francke Huntington), 1843-1925.Date: 1881- Books
Lehrbuch der Nasen- und Halsheilkunde : und der Endoskopie der Speiseröhre und der Luftwege / von Erhard Lüscher.
Lüscher, Erhard.Date: 1956- Books
Diseases of the nose, throat and ear, medical and surgical / by William Lincoln Ballenger.
Ballenger, William Lincoln, 1861-1915.Date: 1908- Books
Office treatment of the nose, throat & ear / Abraham R. Hollender.
Hollender, Abraham R. (Abraham Risel), 1892-Date: 1943- Books
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Die Krankheiten der Mundhöhle, des Rachens und des Kehlkopfes mit Einschluss der Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden für praktische Aerzte und Studirende / von Albert Rosenberg.
Rosenberg, Albert.Date: 1893- Books
Dysphonia clericorum or clergyman's sore-throat : its pathology, treatment, and prevention / By James Mackness, M.D.
Mackness, James, 1804-1851.Date: 1848- Books
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A dissertation on the malignant, ulcerous sore-throat / By John Huxham.
Huxham, John, 1692-1768.Date: 1757- Books
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A text-book of diseases of the nose and throat / by D. Braden Kyle ; with 175 illustrations, 23 of them in colors.
Kyle, D. Braden (David Braden), 1863-1916.Date: 1900- Books
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Der Catarrh des Recessus pharyngeus medius (Bursa pharyngea, Tornwaldt'sche Krankheit) : seine Bedeutung und vereinfachte chirurgische Behandlung / von R. Kafemann.
Kafemann Rudolf.Date: 1889- Books
- Online
A case of extreme pharyngeal stenosis the result of syphilis : with remarks / by T. Gilbart Smith and W.J. Walsham.
Gilbart-Smith, Thomas.Date: 1880- Books
Diseases of the nose, throat and ear, medical and surgical / by William Lincoln Ballenger ; revised by Howard Charles Ballenger.
Ballenger, William Lincoln, 1861-1915.Date: 1930- Books
- Online
Throat ailments : more especially the enlarged tonsil and elongated uvula in connexion with defects of voice, speech, hearing, deglutition, respiration, cough, nasal obstruction, and the imperfect development of health, strength, and growth, in young persons / by James Yearsley.
Yearsley, James, 1805-1869.Date: 1867- Books
The eye, ear, nose and throat / edited by Casey A. Wood, Albert H. Andrews, Gustavus P. Head.
Date: 1907