78 results filtered with: Nosology
- Books
Nosologia methodica: classium et generum et specierum et varietatum series morborum exhibens / Auctore Joanne B. Davidge.
Davidge, John B. (John Beale), 1768-1829.Date: 1813- Books
- Online
Synopsis nosologiae methodicae : exhibens systema nosologicum / auctore Gulielmo Cullen, M. D.
Cullen, William, 1710-1790.Date: 1816- Books
- Online
Synopsis nosologiae methodicae, continens genera morborum praecipua definita, additis speciebus cum harum ex Sauvagesio synonimis ... / Auctore Guilielmo Cullen.
Cullen, William, 1710-1790.Date: 1790- Books
Nosography in modern internal medicine / by Knud Faber, with an introductory note by Rufus Cole.
Faber, Knud, 1862-1956.Date: 1923- Books
18th century nosology : some writings on the systematic classification of diseases published 1731-1800.
Science Museum (Great Britain). Library.Date: 1977- Books
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Nosographie chirurgicale / A. Richerand.
Richerand, A. (Anthelme), 1779-1840.Date: 1812- Books
De differentiis morborum liber I / Claudii Galeni Pergameni.
Galen.Date: 1528- Books
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Nomenclature of diseases : prepared for the use of the medical officers of the United States Marine-Hospital Service / by the supervising surgeon (John M. Woodworth).
United States. Public Health Service.Date: 1878- Books
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An introduction to medical literature, including a system of practical nosology, intended as a guide to students, and an assistant to practitioners. Together with detached essays on the study of physic, on classification, on chemical affinities, on animal chemistry, on the blood, on the medical effects of climates, on the circulation, and on palpitation. / By Thomas Young.
Young, Thomas, 1773-1829.Date: 1823- Books
- Online
Examen de la doctrine medícale geńeŕalement adopteé, et des systèmes modernes de nosologie, dans lequel on détermine par les faits et par le raissonnement, leur influence sur le traitement et sur le terminaison des maladies; suivi d'un plan d'études fondé sur l'anatomie et la physiologie pour parvenir à la connaissance du siege et des symptômes des affections pathologiques. Et à la thérapeutique la plus rationnelle / Par F.J.V. Broussais.
Broussais, F. J. V. (François Joseph Victor), 1772-1838.Date: 1816- Archives and manuscripts
Bardy, Mathieu (1764-1848)
Bardy, Mathieu, 1764-1848.Date: 1791Reference: MS.1066- Books
- Online
Examen des doctrines médicales et des systèmes de nosologie : précédé de propositions renfermant la substance de la médecine physiologique / par F.-J.-V. Broussais, ... Tome premier.
Broussais, F. J. V. (François Joseph Victor), 1772-1838.Date: 1830- Books
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The nomenclature of diseases / drawn up by a Joint Committee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians ; subject to decennial revision.
Royal College of Physicians of London. Joint Committee.Date: 1884- Books
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Examen des doctrines médicales et des systèmes de nosologie ; ouvrage dans lequel se trouve fondu l'examen de la doctrine médicale généralement adoptée, etc. ; précédé de propositions renfermant la substance de la médecine physiologique / par F.-J.-V. Broussais.
Broussais, F. J. V. (François Joseph Victor), 1772-1838.Date: 1821- Books
- Online
Nosologica methodica sistens morborum classes, juxtà Sydenhami mentem et Botanicorum ordinem / Auctore Francisco Boissier de Sauvages.
Boissier de la Croix de Sauvages, François, 1706-1767.Date: 1768- Archives and manuscripts
Deedes, William (1660- )
Deedes, William, b.1660.Date: 1688Reference: MS.2088- Books
- Online
A physiological system of nosology : with a corrected and simplified nomenclature / By John Mason Good.
Good, John Mason, 1764-1827.Date: 1823- Books
- Online
Nosographie organique / par F.G. Boisseau.
Date: 1828-1830- Books
The nomenclature of diseases / drawn up by a joint committee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians of London.
Royal College of Physicians of London.Date: 1896- Books
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The nomenclature of diseases / drawn up by a joint committee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians of London.
Royal College of Physicians of London.Date: 1869- Books
Examen des doctrines médicales et des systèmes de nosologie, précédé de propositions renfermant la substance de la médecine physiologique / par F.J.V. Broussais.
Broussais, F. J. V. (François Joseph Victor), 1772-1838.Date: 1829-1834- Books
A methodical system of nosology / Translated from the Latin of Doctor William Cullen. By Eldad Lewis.
Cullen, William, 1710-1790.Date: [1808]- Books
- Online
The nomenclature of diseases drawn up by a joint committee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians of London : (subject to decennial revision).
Royal College of Physicians of London.Date: 1896- Books
- Online
An introduction to medical literature, including a system of practical nosology : intended as a guide to students, and an assistant to practitioners / by Thomas Young.
Young, Thomas, 1773-1829.Date: 1813- Books
- Online
A clinical history of diseases : part first : being 1. A clinical history of the acute rheumatism. 2. A clinical history of the nodosity of the joints / read to the Literary and Philosophical Society of Bath by John Haygarth.
Haygarth, John, 1740-1827.Date: 1805