22 results filtered with: Inquisition
- Books
I documenti del processo di Galileo Galilei / a cura di Sergio M. Pagano ; collaborazione di Antonio G. Luciani.
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642.Date: 1984- Books
Inquisición y ciencia en la España moderna / Sagrario Muñoz Calvo.
Muñoz Calvo, Sagrario.Date: 1977- Books
Confidencias de dos criptojudíos en las cárceles del Santo Oficio, México, 1645-1646 / Boleslao Lewin [editor].
Alfar, Gaspar de.Date: 1975- Books
Tractatus de officio Sanctissimae Inquidionis, et modo procedendi in causis fidei. In tres partes divisus. In quarum prima agitur de romani pontificis potestate, universali romana Inquisitione, & supremo tribunali S. Officij in regnis Hispaniarum, espiscopis, inquisitoribus, ac caeteris iudicibus, & ministris S. Inquisitionis, deq : eorum electionibus, dignitatibus, praecedentijs, & muneribus insecunda tractatur de haeresi, & omnibus alijs delictis in specie ad S. Inquisitionis tribunal spectantibus, antea quidem seorsim impressa, nunc vero multis additionibus auctior reddita in tertia vero tota theorica, & practica criminalis brouissime absoluitur, maximein ordine ad hoc sacrosanctum tribunal / Auctore Cæsare Carena ... His accesserunt quindecim quaest. ad inquisitores D. Guidonis Fulcodij [i.e. Clement IV], olim Card. Episc. Sabinensis, & postea summi Rom. pont. Clem. IV. nuncupati, nuno primum impressae, & eiusdem auctoris annotationibus illustrata ... Hac nouissima editione addita fuit praxis inquisitorum Francisci Pegnae ... cum additionibus Carenae.
Carena, Cesare, active 1645.Date: 1668- Books
The Roman Inquisition and the Venetian press, 1540-1605 / Paul F. Grendler.
Grendler, Paul F.Date: [1977], ©1977- Books
Witchcraft, sorcery and the Inquisition : a study of cultural values in early modern Malta / Carmel Cassar.
Cassar, Carmel.Date: 1996- Archives and manuscripts
Miscellanea X
Date: c. 1735Reference: MS.3554- Books
- Online
Indice ultimo de los libros prohibidos y mandados expurgar : para todos los reynos y señorios del catolico rey de las Españas, el señor Don Carlos IV. Contiene en resumen todos los libros puestos en el Indice expurgatorio del año 1747, y en los edictos posteriores, asta fin de diciembre de 1789 / Formado y arreglado con toda claridad y diligencia, por mandato del excmo. sr. D. Agustin Rubin de Cevallos, inquisidor general, y señores del Supremo consejo de la Santa general inquisicion: impreso de su orden, con arreglo al exemplar visto y aprobado por dicho Supremo consejo.
Date: 1790- Books
Inquisition and society in Spain : in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / Henry Kamen.
Kamen, Henry (Henry Arthur Francis)Date: [1985], ©1985- Books
Inquisición y represión sexual en Valencia : historia de los sodomitas, 1565-1785 / Rafael Carrasco.
Carrasco, Rafael, 1950-Date: [1985], ©1985- Books
La abolición de la inquisición en España / Francisco Martí Gilabert.
Martí Gilabert, Francisco.Date: 1975- Books
Beyond breaking point / Peter Deeley.
Deeley, Peter.Date: [1971], ©1971- Books
The Inquisition : the hammer of heresy / by Edward Burman.
Burman, Edward.Date: 1984- Books
The Galileo affair : a documentary history / edited and translated with an introduction and notes by Maurice A. Finocchiaro.
Date: [1989], ©1989- Books
Sexuality in the confessional : a sacrament profaned / Stephen Haliczer.
Haliczer, Stephen, 1942-Date: 1996- Books
Novus malleus maleficarum sub quaestione de strigibus seu maleficis, R.P.F. Bartholomaei Spinei ... Una cum tractatu de praeeminentia sacrae theologiae, et quadruplici apologia de lamijs contra Ponzinibium / [Bartholomaeus de Spina].
Spina, Bartolommeo, approximately 1475-1546.Date: 1581- Books
- Online
Auto de Fé celebrado en la ciudad de Logroño en los días 7 y 8 de Noviembre del año de 1610 siendo Inquisidor General el Cardenal, Arzobispo de Toledo, Don Bernardo de Sandobal y Roxas / Ilustrada con notas por el Bachiller Gines de Posadilla [pseud.] natural de Yebenes.
Date: 1820- Pictures
An auto-da-fé in Spain: the accused are led in procession by the Inquisitors to their trial. Engraving, 1749.
Date: 1749Reference: 30393i- Books
La condamnation des livres coperniciens et sa révocation à la lumière de documents inédits des Congrégations de l'Index et de l'Inquisition / Pierre-Noël Mayaud.
Mayaud, Pierre-Noël.Date: 1997- Books
- Online
Dellon's Account of the Inquisition at Goa : with an appendix, containing an account of the escape of Archibald Bower, (one of the inquisitors) from the Inquisition, at Maçerata, in Italy translated from the French / [Gabriel Dellon].
Dellon, Gabriel, 1649-Date: 1812- E-books
- Online
Proving woman : female spirituality and inquisitional culture in the later Middle Ages / Dyan Elliott.
Elliott, Dyan, 1954-Date: 2004- Books
- Online
The totall discourse, of the rare adventures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travailes from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica. Perfited by three deare bought voyages, in surveying of forty eight kingdomes ancient and modern; twenty one rei-publicks, ten absolute principalities, with two hundred islands ... newly corrected, and augmented ... Together with the grievous tortures he suffered by the Inquisition of Malaga in Spaine ... his miraculous discovery and delivery / [William Lithgow].
Lithgow, William, 1582-1645?Date: 1640