724 results filtered with: History
- Books
- Online
The conquest of Mexico / [W.H. Prescott.] edited by J.F. Kirk.
Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859.Date: 1916- Books
Antiquitates Celto-Normannicae, containing the Chronicle of Man and the Isles, abridged by Camden, and now first published complete, from the orginal ms. in the British musæum; with an English translation, and notes. To which are added extracts from the Annals of Ulster, and Sir J. Ware's Antiquities of Ireland: British topography by Ptolemy, Richard of Cirencester, the Geographer of Ravenna, and Andrew Bishop of Cathness: together with accurate catalogues of the Pictish and Scottish kings / By the Rev. James Johnstone. [In Latin and English].
Johnstone, James, -1798.Date: 1786- Books
The Harkness Collection in the Library of Congress : manuscripts concerning Mexico a guide / with selected transcriptions and translations by J. Benedict Warren.
Library of Congress. Manuscript Division.Date: 1974- Books
The new Cambridge modern history. Vol. XIII, Companion volume / edited by P. Burke.
Date: 1979- Books
O Brasil descobre a pesquisa científica : os museus e as ciências naturais no século XIX / Maria Margaret Lopes.
Lopes, Maria Margaret.Date: 1997- Books
1776 : the British story of the American Revolution [catalogue of an exhibition] sponsored by The Times, The Sunday Times and Barclays Bank [held at the] National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, 14th April to 2nd October 1976 / [by Kenneth Pearson and Patricia Connor].
Pearson, Kenneth, 1920-Date: 1976- Books
Debates with historians / Pieter Geyl.
Geyl, Pieter, 1887-1966.Date: 1962, ©1955- Books
Delle istorie del svo tempo di Mons. Paolo Giovio da Como, Vescovo di Nocera / tradotte da M. Lodouico Domenichi. Con vna selua di varia istoria di Carlo Passi, nella quale si ha piena notitia delle cose più rare, che sono state ricordate sommariamente da esso Monsignor Giouio. Et vn supplimento del Signor Girolamo Rvscelli. Fatto sopra le medesime istorie. Et vn'indice de'nomi antichi, & moderni, delle città, castella, prouincie, popoli, monti, mari, & fiumi, de'quali l'autore ha fatto mentione. Raccolti in vno abeneficio di coloro che si dilettano della cosmografia, & dell'historia. Con la tauola, & le postille in margine, che in esse istorie si contengono.
Giovio, Paolo, 1483-1552.Date: 1608- Books
Los Virreyes españoles en América durante el gobierno de la Casa de Austria : Mexico / edición de Lewis Hanke, con la colaboración de Celso Rodríguez.
Date: 1976-1978- Books
- Online
Sketches from Nipal : historical and descriptive, with anecdotes of the court life and wild sports of the country in the time of Maharaja Jang Bahadur, G. C. B / to which is added an essay on Nipalese Buddhism and illus. of religious monuments, architecture, and scenery, from the author's own drawings.
Oldfield, Henry Ambrose.Date: 1880 [i.e. 1881]- Books
Historiae Francorum scriptores coaetanei ... ab ipsius gentis orgine. Quorum plurimi nunc primum ex variis codicibus mss. in lucem prodeunt: alij vero auctiores & emendatiores. Cvm epistolis regvm, reginarvm, pontificvm ... et aliis veteribus rerum francicarum monumentis / Opera ac stvdio Andreae dv Chesne (post patrem F. Duchesne).
Du Chesne, André, 1584-1640.Date: 1636-1649- Books
The Aztecs / Brian M. Fagan.
Fagan, Brian M.Date: [1984], ©1984- Books
La historia en el destino de los pueblos / por Alfonso Bonilla-Naar.
Bonilla-Naar, Alfonso, 1916-1978.Date: [1954]- Videos
A royal family.
Date: 2003- Books
- Online
El Brasil : descubrimiento, colonización é influencia en la península / conferencia de d. Gonzalo Reparaz, leída el día 21 de mayo de 1892.
Reparaz, Gonzalo de, 1860-Date: 1892- E-journals
- Online
Mefisto : rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia.
Date: [2017]-- Books
The new Cambridge modern history. Vol. IX, War and peace in an age of upheaval, 1793-1830 / edited by C.W. Crawley.
Date: 1965- Journals
Old time New England : the bulletin of the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities.
- Books
- Online
St. Cross Hospital, near Winchester : its history and buildings. / edited by William Thorn Warren.
Date: 1899- Books
Beecham's help to scholars : containing arithmetical tables and signs, weights and measures, tables of the metric system, geographical and geometrical definitions, sol-fa modulator, and other useful information arranged progressively / Beecham's Pills, Ltd.
Date: [1929?]- Books
Teaching oral history at university / Felicitas Söhner ; translation, Kate Sotejeff-Wilson.
Sohner, FelicitasDate: 2022- Books
Diccionario biográfico de historia antigua de Méjico / Rafael García Granados.
García Granados, Rafael, 1893-1956.Date: 1952-1953 [i.e. 1955]- Books
Dictionaire historique et critique / Par Monsieur Bayle.
Bayle, Pierre, 1647-1706.Date: 1702- Journals
Boletín de historia y antigüedades / Órgano de la Comisión de Historia Nacional.
Date: 1902-- E-journals
- Online
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
Date: 1872-