687 results filtered with: Dogs
- Pictures
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An itinerant musician playing to an audience using an instrument that is partly made out of an animal's bladder. Drypoint by L. Flameng.
Flameng, Léopold, 1831-1911.Reference: 21055i- Pictures
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The German Hospital, Dalston, London: seen from the garden. Coloured lithograph by P. Gauci, 1846.
Gauci, Paul, active 1834-1863.Date: 1 January 1846Reference: 34987i- Pictures
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Blue-coat Hospital, London: the front elevation, with horse-drawn and pedestrian traffic in the foreground. Wood engraving by R. Clayton.
Reference: 23186i- Pictures
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St Luke's Hospital, Cripplegate, London: the facade from the east. Engraving by R. Sands, 1815, after T. H. Shepherd.
Shepherd, Thomas H. (Thomas Hosmer)Date: 1815Reference: 26112i- Pictures
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Maria sits sadly under a tree with her dog. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1808, after W. Hamilton.
Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768.Date: Jan.y 1 1808Reference: 673181i- Pictures
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A paralysed old man being comforted and nursed by his children. Mezzotint by S. De Wilde after J.J. Flipart after J.B. Greuze.
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, 1725-1805.Date: 1700-1799Reference: 18203i- Pictures
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The blind school, Southwark: with a bustling street scene. Lithograph by L. Haghe, ca.1835, after J. Johnson.
Johnson, J.Date: [1835?]Reference: 38857i- Pictures
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A clergyman conducting a chaotic christening. Colour mezzotint by J. Sympson, 173-, after W. Hogarth.
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.Date: [between 1730 and 1739?]Reference: 16957i- Books
Dogs in health care : pioneering animal-human partnerships / Jill Lenk Schilp.
Schilp, Jill Lenk, 1947-Date: [2019]- Pictures
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Boats at the citadel of Sidon. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1843.
Roberts, David, 1796-1864.Date: [1843]Reference: 36509iPart of: The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt and Nubia- Pictures
Page 147: a horseman killing an attacking tiger surrounded by deer and a dog. Watercolour drawing.
Reference: 27455i- Ephemera
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First aid for your dog and cat / Pedigree Petfoods.
Date: 1986- Archives and manuscripts
Donovan, Charles (1863-1951)
Donovan, C. (Charles), 1863-1951.Date: 1889-1921Reference: MSS.2208-2216 & 5692-5697- Books
EKG beim Hund : ein unkonventioneller Fortbildungskurs mit lllustrationen und Beispielen zur Diagnostik / F.K. Bohn.
Bohn, F. Karolus, 1925-Date: [1976]- Pictures
Hunting scene. Coloured ink drawing.
Reference: 28059i- Pictures
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A thistle in the centre with a boar to the left facing a mastiff to the right, all surrounded by various plants and insects. Engraving by D. Loggan, 1663, after W. Hollar.
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677.Date: [1674]Reference: 24376i- Ephemera
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"85% of cats and dogs over the age of four are affected by periodontal disease" British Veterinary Dental Association : prevention starts at £2.99 and is available from your local pet shop / Beaphar Sherley's.
Beaphar Sherley's (Firm)Date: [2001?]- Books
Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Agriculture to inquire into and report upon the working of laws relating to dogs : with copy of the minute appointing the committee.
Great Britain. Committee on Laws Relating to Dogs.Date: 1897- Pictures
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A peasant without shoes removing a thorn (?) from his foot, a dog accompanies him. Etching by J. Miel.
Miel, Jan, 1599-1663 or 1664.Date: 1600-1699Reference: 18245i- Pictures
The outline of a blue dog next to a yellow face. Watercolour and gouache by David Thomas Meredith, 1976.
Meredith, David Thomas, active approximately 1975-1989.Date: 30.3.76 [30 March 1976]Reference: 3005816iPart of: Adamson Collection- Pictures
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Tobias under the guidance of the archangel Raphael, cures Tobit's blindness using a 'fish-gall'. Etching by A. de Marcenay de Ghuy, 1755, after Rembrandt.
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606-1669.Date: 1755Reference: 16389i- Pictures
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Men are out shooting pheasant on the moors, a dog is returning with the catch in his mouth. Engraving by J.H. Engelheart after A. Cooper.
Cooper, A.Date: 1856Reference: 34682i- Books
The dog owner's encyclopedia / Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald.
Vesey-FitzGerald, Brian, 1900-1981.Date: [1965]- Books
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The natural history of dogs canidae or genus canis of authors ; including also the genera hyaena and proteles / by Lieut. Col. Chas. Hamilton Smith.
Smith, Charles Hamilton, 1776-1859.Date: 1839-1840- Pictures
Christ and the apostles share their last supper. Engraving by P.W. Tomkins after H.J.C. Whitshed after J. Pontormo.
Pontormo, Jacopo Carucci, 1494-approximately 1556.Date: 8 December 1834Reference: 22885i