201 results filtered with: Crutches
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A soldier with one arm debates with a sailor with a wooden leg the merits of the army and the navy. Reproduction of an etching by I. & G. Cruikshank, 1806.
Date: 1806Reference: 26286i- Pictures
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An old woman dressed in rags holding her left arm in a bandage made of straw and a stick in her right hand. Etching possibly after J. Callot.
Callot, Jacques, 1592-1635.Reference: 43818i- Pictures
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A bearded lame man walking with the aid of two crutches begging for alms with his hat. Engraving with etching.
Reference: 43850i- Pictures
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A gouty man startled by death; represented as a skeletal figure wielding an arrow. Mezzotint, 1794.
Date: 12 May 1794Reference: 10737i- Pictures
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Blessings given at the High Church of Our Beloved Lady involving the expulsion of devils and curing of blind and lame people. Etching.
Reference: 18497i- Pictures
A one-legged beggar and former soldier approaches a wealthy clergyman for alms. Etching with engraving by John Collier, 1770.
Bobbin, Tim, 1708-1786.Date: May 1773Reference: 43852i- Pictures
Christ healing the lame at the pool of Bethesda. Etching after J. Restout.
Restout, Jean, 1692-1768.Reference: 34115i- Pictures
Hospital ward in Liverpool Workhouse; requisitioned for wounded soldiers. Pencil drawing.
Reference: 23965i- Pictures
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Lourdes, Haute Pyrénées, France: pilgrims seeking cures from the holy water. Wood engraving.
Reference: 20367i- Ephemera
Queen Alexandra Wood : Lord Mayor Treloar Cripples' Hospital and College, Alton, Hants.
Lord Mayor Treloar Cripples Hospital and College (Alton, Hampshire, England)Date: [between 1910 and 1919?]- Pictures
A man in ragged clothing with a wooden leg and a stick is holding out his hand for alms. Etching by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux.
Duplessi-Bertaux, Jean, 1750-1818.Date: 1798-1813Reference: 38064i- Pictures
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A woman being stabbed while the blood pouring from her wounds is drunk by a group of men; representing Britannia's resources being drained by politicians. Engraving, 1768.
Date: [10 May 1768]Reference: 12166i- Pictures
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Peter heals the lame man outside the temple. Mezzotint by P. van Somer after K. Dujardin.
Dujardin, Karel, 1622-1678.Reference: 24758i- Pictures
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Boer War: a one armed man helps a one legged man. Wash drawing by H.H. Piffard.
Piffard, Harold.Reference: 23311i- Pictures
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Lourdes, Haute Pyrénées, France: pilgrims praying in front of the grotto and portrait of Bernadette Soubirous. Wood engraving.
Reference: 20370i- Pictures
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An obese gouty man exclaiming angrily. Coloured etching by N. Heideloff, 1806, after G. Sauley.
Sauley, G.Date: December 1806Reference: 10642i- Pictures
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Crowds gather as Christ heals sick people. Engraving by T. Phillibrown after B. West.
West, Benjamin, 1738-1820.Reference: 23921i- Pictures
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Christ healing the lame at the pool of Bethesda. Etching by M. Sorello after S. Conca.
Conca, Sebastiano, 1680-1764.Date: [between 1700 and 1799]Reference: 34123i- Pictures
The "Ministry of all the Talents", personified by Charles James Fox, promising to convey John Bull towards the promised land, but really to hell. Coloured etching by James Gillray, 1806.
Gillray, James, 1756-1815.Date: Feb.y 8th 1806Reference: 533358i- Pictures
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A lame beggar moving with crutches seen from behind. Etching possibly after J. Callot.
Callot, Jacques, 1592-1635.Reference: 43811i- Pictures
A child walking on crutches in the form of wine bottles, representing the disabling effect of parental alcoholism. Colour lithograph after B. Villemot, 1957.
Villemot, Bernard, 1911-1989.Date: [1957]Reference: 689709i- Pictures
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St Bartholomew's Hospital, London: the courtyard with prominent fountain and foliage. Etching by T. Godart, 1870.
Godart, Thomas, active 1870.Date: 1870Reference: 21715i- Pictures
Peter cures the sick by casting his shadow upon them. Engraving by C.J. Visscher (?) after M. van Heemskerck.
Heemskerk, Martin van, 1498-1574.Reference: 24792i- Pictures
A gallows, a weathervane, a beacon, a large eye, and other objects; below, black hillocks with vegetation. Watercolour by N. Goullet, 1955.
Goullet, Nancy, active approximately 1954-1957.Date: 20th Jan. 55 [20 January 1955]Reference: 2958271iPart of: Adamson Collection- Pictures
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An old woman with a flask attached to her hip moves with the aid of two crutches; illustrating weakness. Engraving by P. Galle.
Galle, Philippe, 1537-1612.Date: [1590?]Reference: 43763i