103 results filtered with: Christian life - Early works to 1800
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The wise old man or A treatise touching the miseries incident both to the bodies and mindes of old men : Together with the causes of them both, as also assured consolations, for the more cheerefull vndergoing or bearing of them. Profitable for old men, for the avoyding of miseries, and the inioyment of happines. And vsefull for young men, for the preuenting of such infirmities as for want of care be incident to the aged. Translated out of French for the comfort of old and instruction of young men.
Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628Date: 1621- Books
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The right method for a settled peace of conscience and spiritual comfort : in 32 directions : written for the use of a troubled friend ... / by Richard Baxter.
Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691Date: 1657- Books
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The art of dying well : Deuided into tvvo books. / Written by Roberto Bellarmine of the Society of Iesus, and Cardinall. ; Translated into English for the benefit of our countreymen, by C.E. of the same Society.
Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621Date: [1621]- Books
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The contentes of thys booke : The first is a letter which was wroten vnto the faythfull followers of Christes gospell. Also an other treatyse called the Myrrour or glasse to know thyself. Here vnto is added a propre instruction, teaching a man to dye gladly, and not to feare death.
Frith, John, 1503-1533Date: [1575?]- Books
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[A mirroure. To know thyselfe.].
Frith, John, 1503-1533Date: [1536?]- Books
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Disce mori : Learne to dye : a religious discourse mouing euery Christian man to enter in to a serious remembrance of his end, wherein also in contained the meane and manner of disposing himselfe to God before and at the time of his departure : in the whole, somewhat happily may be obserued, necessary to be thought vpon while wee are aliue, and when wee are dying to aduise our selues and others.
Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629Date: 1616- Books
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Certaine select cases resolved : specially tending to the comfort of beleevers, in their chief and usuall temptations : 1. The case of desertion, or walking in darkness : the cause, remedies, 2. How to discerne answers to our prayers, 3. The case resolved, whether after a sound repentance a child of God may fall into the same sin, 4. How it is to be understood, that every beleever bringeth forth all his fruit in Christ. 5. How to discerne our growth in grace : heretofore all published in three treatises ... but now reprinted, and to be put together, with other divine tractates / By Tho: Goodwin.
Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680Date: 1647- Books
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The rule and exercises of holy dying : In which are described the means and instruments of preparing our selves and others respectively for a blessed death; and the remedies against the evils and temptations proper to the state of sickness: together with prayers and acts of vertue to be used by sick and dying persons, or by others standing in their attendance. To which are added rules for the visitation of the sick, and offices proper for that ministery.
Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667Date: MDCLXXIV. [1674]- Books
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Medulla theologiæ, or, The marrow of divinity : contained in sundry questions and cases of conscience, both speculative and practical : the greatest part of them collected out of the works of our most judicious, experienced and orthodox English divines, the rest are supplied by the authour / by Sa. Clarke.
Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682Date: [1659]- Books
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The wise vieillard, or old man / Translated out of French into English by an obscure Englishman, a friend and fauourer of all wise old-men.
Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628Date: 1621- Books
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A seasonable preparation for death and eternity, or, Funeral considerations, &c : Being the substance of a discourse occasionally on the D. of G------, a noble peer, who received his mortal wound at the siege of Cork in Ireland. With a prayer suitable to the occasion.
Date: [1690]- Books
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The Companions of good consciences: or an appeal of moderation, justice, and equity, or righteousnesse, peace and love : (unfolded in the law of God and nature) to the consciencs [sic] of all, both high and low, rich and poor, of all societies and opinions, amoung all nations. With their mournful lamentation over the unrighteousnesses of men. Wherein men may as in a looking-glasse behold themselves, whether they bear the image of God in their power, places, judgments and callings; or the image of the Divel; for his servants ye are whom ye obey; whether of righteousness and obedience &c. to salvation: or of injustice, pride, envie and deceit, &c. to damnation. Herein the God of justice hath said, the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it, every one shall be recompenced according to his deeds done in the flesh, whether good or evil. Where then, Lord, shall the unjust, the oppressor, the proud, the covetous, the envious, and all manner of unrighteousness appear? Take it effectually to thy heart.
Date: 1653- Books
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The dying mans last sermon. Or, The fathers last blessing : Left and bequeathed as a legacy to his children, immediately before his death. Being comfortable meditations and preparations for the day of death; which for the worth of them, are more worthy to be written in letters of gold, than ink and paper. By Andrew Jones, a servant of Jesus Christ.
Jones, Andrew, active 17th centuryDate: [1681-4]- Books
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Speculum Christianum or, A Christian suruey for the conscience : Containing, three tractates of that eminent, graue, and learned diuine, maister Hierome Zanchius. 1. Of the end of the world. 2. Of the perseuerance of the saints. 3. A summarie abridgement of his protections. Englished for the good of Gods church, and for a warning to wicked and impenitent men. By H.N.
Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590Date: 1614- Books
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The complaint of a Christian soule : Containing certaine remedies and comforts against the trouble and conflict of conscience. Newlie written in meter.
Muschet, George, poetDate: M.D.C.X. [1610]- Books
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Certaine select cases resolved : specially tending to the comfort of beleevers, in their chiefe and usuall temptations : 1. The case of desertion, or walking in darknesse ... : heretofore all published in three treatises, [brace] 1. A child of light walking in darknesse ... / by Tho. Goodwin.
Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680Date: 1644- Books
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Medicus medicatus, or, The physicians religion cured by a lenitive or gentle potion : with some animadversions upon Sir Kenelme Digbie's observations on Religio medici / by Alexander Ross.
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654Date: 1645- Books
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A werke for housholders : or for them that haue the guidyng or gouernaunce of any company. Gadred and set forth by a professed brother of Syon, Richarde Whitforde: and newly corrected and prynted agayne with an addicion of polici for housholding, set forth also by the same brother.
Whitford, Richard, active 1495-1555?Date: [The yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxxi. The .xix. day of Auguste. [1531]]- Books
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A word to the aged.
Date: 1667- Books
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[The conte[n]tes of this boke. A werke of preparacion, vnto co[m]munion, or howselyng : The werke for housholders with the golden pistle and alphabete or crosrowe called an. A.B.C. all duely corrected and newly prynted].
Whitford, Richard, active 1495-1555?Date: [The yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxxi. The. xix. day of Auguste. [1531]]- Books
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The art of dying well : Deuided into two bookes. Written by Robert Bellarmine of the Society of Iesus, and Cardinall. Togeather with a relation of the said Cardinalls sicknes, death, and buriall in Rome. Translated into English, by C.E. of the same Society.
Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621Date: Permissu superiorum. M. DC. XXII. [1622]- Books
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A dialoge or co[m]municacion bytwene the curate or ghostly father, & the parochiane or ghostly chyld, for a due preparacion vnto howselynge ; The werke for housholders w[ith] the golden pystle and alphabete or a crosrowe called an A.B.C.
Whitford, Richard, active 1495-1555?Date: M.CCCCC.&xxxvii [1537]- Books
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Religio medici.
Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682Date: 1682- Books
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Time and the end of time : In two discourses; the first about redemption of time, the second about consideration of our latter end. By John Fox.
Fox, John, active 1676Date: 1671- Books
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Death triumphant; or, The most renowned, mighty, puissant and irresistible champion and conqueror geneneral [sic] of the whole world Death, described : With a description of his notable fights and triumphant victories obtained against all creatures, especially against the sons and daughters of men. Also his particular stratagems and numerous regiment of sickness and diseases, whereby he conquers and subdues man-kind. Lively set forth to the view of all men, for their better preparation for the day of their death, and dissolution out of this sinful life. The sixth edition. By Andrew Jones.
Jones, Andrew, active 17th centuryDate: [1680]