24 results filtered with: Arithmetic - Early works to 1900
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M. Blundevile his exercises : containing sixe treatises, the titles wherof are set down in the next printed page: which treatises are verie necessarie to be read and learned of all yoong gentlemen that haue not bene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the arte of navigation ... To the furtherance of which arte of navigation, the said M. Blundevile speciallie wrote the said treatises and of meere good will doth dedicate the same to all the young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1594- Books
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Arithmetick: containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick / Composed by Edmund Wingate ... revised and ... improv'd ... By John Kersey.
Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656Date: 1704- Books
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Mr. Blundevil his exercises : contayning eight treatises, the titles wherof are set down in the next printed page. Which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that have not been exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the arte of navigation ... To the furtherance of which art of navigation, the said Mr. Blundevil specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere good will doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1636- Books
The young man's companion: or, arithmetick made easy with plain directions for a young man to attain to read and write true English ... likewise, easy rules for the measuring of board ... also directions for measuring, guaging, and plotting of land ... Together with a map of the globe of the earth and water ... : choice monthly observations for gardening ... with experienc'd medicines for the poor an account of curiosities in London and Westminster / written by W. Mather.
Mather, W. (William), active 1695.Date: 1727- Books
The schoolmasters assistant: being a compendium of arithmetic, both practical and theoretical. In five parts ... To which is prefixt, an essay on the education of youth / By Thomas Dilworth.
Dilworth, Thomas, -1780.Date: 1773- Books
Cocker's Arithmetick: being a plain and familiar method suitable to the meanest capacity, for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest school-masters in city and country ... / By Edward Cocker, late practicioner [!] in the arts of writing, artihmetick, and engraving. Being that so long since promised to the world. Perused and published by John Hawkins, writing-master near St. George's church in Southwark, by the author's correct copy, and recommended to the world by many eminent mathematicians and writing-masters in and near London.
Cocker, Edward, 1631-1675.Date: 1738- Books
Mr. Blundevil His exercises, contayning eight treatises ... which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all young gentlemen that have not been excercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie and geographie, as also in the art of navigation, in which art it is impossible to profit without the help of these or such like instructions / To the furtherance of which art of navigation, the said Mr. Blundevil specially wrote the said treatises.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561.Date: 1636- Books
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M. Blundeuile his exercises : contayning eight treatises, the titles whereof are set downe in the next printed page: which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all yong gentlemen that haue not beene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the art of nauigation ... To the furtherance of which art of nauigation, the sayd Master Blundeuile specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere good will doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1622- Books
Cocker's arithmetick: being a plain and familiar method, suitable to the meanest capacity, for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest school-masters in city and country / by Edward Cocker, late practitioner in the arts of writing, arithmetick, and engraving ; being that so long since promised to the world : perused and published by John Hawkins, writing-master, near Sr. George's Church in Southwark, by the author's correct copy, and commended to the world by many eminent mathematicians and writing-masters in and near London.
Cocker, Edward, 1631-1675.Date: 1758- Books
The well-spring of sciences: teaching the perfect worke and practise of arithmetick, both in numbers and fractions / Set forth by Humfrey Baker, Londoner. And now againe perused, augmented, and amended in all the three parts by the said authour. Whereunto are also added certaine tables of the agreement of measures and weights of divers places in Europe the one with the other.
Baker, Humfrey, active 1557-1587.Date: 1650- Books
Compendium arithmeticæ artis ut brevissimum ita longè utilissimum erudiendis tyronibus, non solùm propter ordinem, quo paucis perstringuntur omnia huius artis capita, sed etiam causa perspicuitatis, quæ plurimùm delectat & iuuat discentes, summoperè expete[n]dum / per Ioannem Scheubeliu[m] adornatum & conscriptum ; continet autem utrun[que] hoc Compendiu[m], numerorum scilicet & calculorum, seu proiectilium (ut uocant) ratiocinationem.
Scheubel, Johann, 1494-1570.Date: 1560- Books
Cocker's arithmetick: being, a plain and familiar method, suitable to the meanest capacity, for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest of school-masters in city and country / by Edward Cocker, late practitioner in the arts of writing, arithmetick, and engraving : being that so long since promised to the world ; perused and published, by John Hawkins, writing-master near St. George's Church in Southwark, by the author's correct copy, and commended to the world by many eminent mathematicians and writing-masters in and near London.
Cocker, Edward, 1631-1675.Date: 1745- Books
Arithmetick, containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick / [Edmund Wingate].
Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.Date: 1699- Books
Ludolphi à Ceulen de circulo et adscriptis liber. In quo plurimorum polygonorum latera per irrationalium numerorum griphos, quorum libet autem per numeros absolutos secundum algebricarum æquationum leges explicantur / quæ insuper accesserunt pagina versa indicabit. Omnia é vernaculo latina fecit, et annotationibus illustravit Willebrordus Snellius.
Ceulen, Ludolf van, 1539-1610.Date: 1619- Books
Records Arithmetick: or, the ground of arts: teaching the perfect work and practice of arithmetick, both in whole numbers and fractions ... / made by M. Robert Record ... Afterward, Augmented by M. John Dee. And since enlarged with a third part of rules of practise ... By John Mellis. And now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and enlarged by R. Hartwell.
Recorde, Robert, 1510?-1558.Date: [1646]- Books
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Libro de abacho. Chi d'arte matematiche ha piacere che tengon di certezza il primo grado auanti che di quelli tenti il vado vogli la presente opera vedere ... / Pietro Borgo.
Borghi, Piero, -approximately 1494.Date: Ottober, 1540- Books
The grovnd of arts. Teaching the perfect worke and practise of arithmeticke, both in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact forme than in former time hath been set forth / made by M. Robert Record ... Afterward, augmented by Mr. John Dee. And since enlarged with a third part of Rules of practise ... with divers necessary rules incident to the trade of merchandise: with tables of the valuation of all coynes ... By Iohn Mellis ... And now diligently perused, corr. illustrated and enl.; with an appendix, of figurate numbers, and the extract of their roots ... with tables of board and timber measure; and new tables of interest upon interest, after 10 and 8 per 100; with the true value of annuities to be bought or sold present, respited of in reversion: the first calculated by R.C. but corrected, and the latter diligently calculated by Rob: Hartwell ... [Two line Latin quotation].
Recorde, Robert, 1510?-1558.Date: 1640- Books
Cocker's Arithmetick: being a plain and familiar method suitable to the meanest capacity, for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest school-masters in city and country ... / By Edward Cocker, late practicioner [!] in the arts of writing, artihmetick, and engraving. Being that so long since promised to the world. Perused and published by John Hawkins, writing-master near St. George's church in Southwark, by the author's correct copy, and recommended to the world by many eminent mathematicians and writing-masters in and near London.
Cocker, Edward, 1631-1675.Date: 1697- Books
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Mr. Blundevil his exercises : contayning eight treatises, the titles whereof are set down in the next printed page : which treatises are very necessary to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that have not been exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to have knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the art of navigation, in which art it is impossible to profit without the help of these or such like instructions / to the furtherance of which art of navigation the said Mr. Blundevil specially wrot the said treatises, and of meere good-will doth dedicate the same young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1638- Books
Records Arithmetick: or, the ground of arts: teaching the perfect work and practice of arithmetick, both in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact forme than in former time hath been set fort / made by M. Robert Record, D. in physick. Afterward. Augmented by Mr. John Dee. And since enlarged with a third part of rules of practice. By John Mellis. And now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated, and inlarged ; with an Appendix of figurative numbers, and the extraction of their roots, according to the method of Christian Vrstitius : with tables of board and timber measure ; and new tables of interest, the first calculated by R. C. but corrected, and the latter diligently calculated by Ro. Hartwell. Philomathemat. [Ed. by T. Willsford].
Recorde, Robert, 1510?-1558.Date: 1662- Books
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M. Blundeuile his exercises : containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set downe in the next printed page: which treatises are verie necessarie to be read and learned of all yoong gentlemen that haue not bene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the arte of nauigation ... To the furtherance of which arte of nauigation, the said M. Blundeuile specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere goodwill doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1597- Books
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M. Blundeuile his exercises : containing eight treatises, the titles whereof are set down in the next printed page: which treatises are very necessarie to be read and learned of all young gentlemen, that haue not bene exercised in such disciplines, and yet are desirous to haue knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomie, and geographie, as also in the art of nauigation ... To the furtherance of which art of nauigation, the said M. Blundeuile specially wrote the said treatises, and of meere good will doth dedicate the same to all young gentlemen of this realme.
Blundeville, Thomas, active 1561Date: 1613- Books
Cocker's Decimal arithmetick. Wherein is shewed the nature and use of decimal fractions ... Together with tables of interest and rebate. Whereunto is added, his Artificial arithmetick, shewing the genesis or fabrick of the logarithms, and their use. Also, his Algebraical arithmetick, containing the doctrine of composing and resolving an equation; with all other rules ... according to the method used by John Kersey / Perused, corrected and published by John Hawkins.
Cocker, Edward, 1631-1675.Date: 1720- Books
The young man's companion: or, arithmetick made easy with plain directions ... Containing, plain directions for a young man to attain to read and write true English. How to write letters. Forms of notes, receipts, &c. A short and easy method of shop and book-keeping, merchants-accompts, &c. The art of dialling. With a desription of the counties, cities, parishes and market-towns in England and Wales. To which is added, the family companion for marking on linen, pickling, preserving, making wine of fruit; with many approved and experienced medicines for the poor / [W. Mather].
Mather, W. (William), active 1695.Date: 1734