23 results filtered with: Reports of the Industrial Fatigue Research Board
- Books
Preliminary notes on the boot and shoe industry.
Loveday, J.Date: 1920- Books
Atmospheric conditions in cotton weaving /c by S. Wyatt.
Wyatt, S. (Stanley)Date: 1923- Books
The influence of hours of work and of ventilation on output in tinplate manufacture / [by H.M. Vernon].
Vernon, Horace Middleton, 1870-1951Date: 1919- Books
An analysis of the individual differences in the output of silk-weavers / [by P.M. Elton].
Elton, P. M.Date: 1922- Books
Time and motion study / by E. Farmer.
Farmer, Eric.Date: 1921- Books
Some observations on bobbin winding / [by S. Wyatt].
Wyatt, S. (Stanley)Date: 1920- Books
Motion study in metal polishing / by E. Farmer ; assisted by R. S. Brooke.
Farmer, Eric.Date: 1921- Books
A study of improved methods in an iron foundry / [by C.S. Myers].
Myers, Charles S. (Charles Samuel), 1873-1946.Date: 1919- Books
Preliminary notes on atmospheric conditions in boot and shoe factories / [by W.D. Hambly and T. Bedford].
Hambly, Wilfrid D. (Wilfrid Dyson), 1886-1962.Date: 1921- Books
Some studies in the laundry trade / by May Smith.
Smith, May.Date: 1922- Books
A study of output in silk weaving during the winter months / [by P.M. Elton].
Elton, P. M.Date: 1920- Books
A study of efficiency in fine linen weaving / by H.C. Weston.
Weston, H. Claude (Hubert Claude)Date: 1922- Books
Individual differences in output in the cotton industry / [by S. Wyatt].
Wyatt, S. (Stanley)Date: 1920- Books
Two investigations in potters' shops / by H.M. Vernon ; assisted by T. Bedford.
Vernon, Horace Middleton, 1870-1951Date: 1922- Books
Two contributions to the study of accident causation.
Osborne, Ethel E.Date: 1922- Books
Fatigue and efficiency in the iron and steel industry / [by H.M. Vernon].
Vernon, Horace Middleton, 1870-1951Date: 1920- Books
The output of women workers in relation to hours of work in shell-making / [by Ethel E. Osborne].
Osborne, Ethel E.Date: 1919- Books
A statistical study of labour turnover in munition and other factories / [by Gladys M. Broughton, Ethel M. Newbold, and Edith C. Allen].
Broughton, Gladys Mary, 1883-Date: 1921- Books
Vocational guidance : (a review of the literature) / by B. Muscio.
Muscio, Bernard.Date: 1921- Books
Variations in efficiency in cotton weaving / by S. Wyatt.
Wyatt, S. (Stanley)Date: 1923- Books
The incidence of industrial accidents upon individuals : with special reference to multiple accidents / [by Major Greenwood and Hilda M. Woods].
Greenwood, Major, 1880-1949.Date: 19- Books
The speed of adaptation of output to altered hours of work / [by H.M. Vernon].
Vernon, Horace Middleton, 1870-1951Date: 1920- Books
Three studies in vocational selection.
Muscio, Bernard.Date: 1922