46 results filtered with: Sulfonamides - therapeutic use
- Books
Sulphonamides in the treatment of meningococcal meningitis : report to the Scientific Advisory Committee / [by the Infectious Diseases Sub-Committee].
Great Britain. Department of Health for Scotland. Scientific Advisory Committee on Medical Administration and Investigation. Infectious Diseases Sub-Committee.Date: 1944- Books
Combined therapy for chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum infection : concurrent use of long-acting sulphormethoxine and pyrimethamine / Peter J. Bartelloni, Thomas W. Sheehy and William D. Tigertt.
Bartelloni, Peter J.Date: 1967- Books
Local effects of sulphonamides on the rabbit's brain / by Dorothy S. Russell and Murray A. Falconer.
Russell, Dorothy S.Date: [1940]- Ephemera
Drug advertising ephemera. Box 3.
- Books
Malaria suppression and prophylaxis on a Malaysian rubber estate : sulformethoxine-pyrimethamine single monthly dose vs chloroquine single weekly dose / Donal R. O'Holohan and J. Hugoe-Matthews.
O'Holohan, Donal R.Date: 1971- Books
Les sulfamides en oto-rhino-laryngologie / par J. Terracol.
Terracol, J. (Jean)Date: 1945- Ephemera
- Online
Trulfa "Frosst" : una preparación de sulfatiazol, sulfadiazina y sulfamerazina / Charles E. Frosst & Co. ; distribuidores para Cuba: Distribuidora Cubana.
Date: [1950]- Ephemera
- Online
Al administrar "sulfas" vigile los leucocitos ... Médula Amarilla Concentrada Armour ... : Restauración de la eritropoyesis normal en la anemia perniciosa ... / The Armour Laboratories.
Date: [1948]- Books
Sulphonamides in malaria / L.J. Bruce-Chwatt.
Bruce-Chwatt, Leonard Jan.Date: 1967- Books
'Neotresamide' triple sulfonamide for oral or intavenous administration : a sulfonamide combination that reduces renal crystalluria / Sharp & Dohme.
Sharp & Dohme.Date: [1950?]- Books
Sulfonamide therapy in medical practice / by Frederick C. Smith.
Smith, Frederick C. (Frederick Cleveland), 1892-Date: 1944- Books
Studies on the chemotherapy of malaria. I, The treatment of overt falciparum malaria with potentiating combinations of pyrimethamine and sulphormethoxine or dapsone in the Gambia / A.B.G. Laing.
Laing, A. B. G.Date: 1970- Books
Local action of penicillin and sulphamezathine and a penicillin-sulphamezathine mixture on rabbit brain / Dorothy S. Russell, Diana J.K. Beck.
Russell, Dorothy S.Date: [1945]- Ephemera
- Online
Sulfamidas Richter / Gedeon Richter (América), S.A.
Date: [1944]- Books
Distribution of sulphamezathine in the body-fluids : relation to cranial injuries / C.G. Phillips, M.W. Stanier.
Phillips, C. G.Date: [1945]- Ephemera
- Online
Al administrar "sulfas" vigile los leucocitos ... Médula Amarilla Concentrada Armour ... : Un tratamiento efectivo de la anemia perniciosa ... / The Armour Laboratories.
Date: [1944]- Books
Plague : some remarks on its epidemiology, symptomatology and treatment with sylphonamides [sic] / by A.M. Kamal [and others].
Date: 1941- Books
Antimalarial effect of diaphenylsulfone and three sulfonamides among semi-immune Africans / David F. Clyde.
Clyde, David F.Date: 1967- Ephemera
- Online
Ambesid Richter 25% / Gedeon Richter (América), S.A.
Date: [1946]- Books
The red book of M & B medical products / May & Baker Ltd.
May & Baker.Date: [1966]- Books
The medical use of sulphonamides / by various authors ; edited by F. Hawking and F.H.K. Green.
Date: 1945