58 results filtered with: International Cooperation - history
- Books
"Geschickte Leute, die was praestiren können..." : Gelehrte aus Basel an der St. Petersburger Akademie der Wissenschaften des 18. Jahrhunderts : Vorträge des Symposiums vom 10. Juli 2003 an der Akademie der Wissenschaften von St. Perersburg während der "Schweizer Wochen" anlässlich der Feierlichkeiten "300 Jahre St. Petersburg" / Fritz Nagel, Andreas Verdun (Hg.).
Date: 2005- Books
Science in the service of physical education and sport : the story of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education, 1956-1996 / Steve Bailey.
Bailey, Steve.Date: [1996], ©1996- Books
International health organisations and movements, 1918-1939 / edited by Paul Weindling.
Date: 1995- Books
Top secret exchange : the Tizard mission and the scientific war / David Zimmerman.
Zimmerman, David, 1959-Date: 1996- Books
Smallpox : the fight to eradicate a global scourge / David A. Koplow.
Koplow, David A., 1951-Date: [2003], ©2003- Books
Collaboration in the pharmaceutical industry : changing relationships in Britain and France, 1935-1965 / Viviane Quirke.
Quirke, Viviane.Date: [2008], ©2008- Books
The dawn of international cooperation in medicine / Arne Barkhuus.
Barkhuus, Arne.Date: 1943- Books
Comrades in health : U.S. health internationalists, abroad and at home / edited by Anne-Emanuelle Birn and Theodore M. Brown.
Date: [2013], ©2013- Books
International public health between the two world wars : the organizational problems / Norman Howard-Jones.
Howard-Jones, Norman.Date: [1978]- Books
The World Health Organization : a history / Marcos Cueto, Theodore M. Brown, Elizabeth Fee.
Cueto, MarcosDate: 2019- Books
The United States and international drug control, 1909-1997 / David R. Bewley-Taylor.
Bewley-Taylor, David R., 1968-Date: 1999- Books
Neither donkey nor horse : medicine in the struggle over China's modernity / Sean Hsiang-lin Lei.
Lei, XianglinDate: 2014- Books
American science and modern China, 1876-1936 / Peter Buck.
Buck, Peter, 1943-Date: 1980- Books
[Title in Japanese] = The dawn of modern Japanese medicine and pharmaceuticals : the 150th anniversary edition of Japan-Germany exchange = Die Morgendämmerung der Entwicklung der modernen japanischen Medizin und Pharmazie : Jubiläumsausgabe 150 Jahre Austausch Japan- Deutschland.
Date: 2011- Books
Deutsch-ungarische Beziehungen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg / herausgegeben von Holger Fischer.
Date: 1999- Books
Uneasy encounters : the politics of medicine and health in China, 1900-1937 / Iris Borowy (ed.).
Date: [2009], ©2009- Books
Across the narrow seas : studies in the history and bibliography of Britain and the Low Countries presented to Anna E.C. Simoni / edited by Susan Roach.
Date: 1991- Books
Gli altri italiani : medici al servizio della Russia / Mario Corti.
Corti, Mario.Date: 2011- Books
Celebrating 100 years of health : the quest for a healthy America / Pan American Health Organization = Celebrando 100 años de salud : en búsqueda de una América saludable / Organización Panamericana de la Salud.
Pan American Health Organization.Date: [2002], ©2002- Books
Ungarsk nasjonalisme og amerikansk filantropi : Rockefeller Foundations støtte til modernisering av Ungarsk Vitenskap o Helsevesen 1920-1941 / Erik Ingebrigtsen.
Ingebrigtsen, Erik.Date: 2000- Books
Im Schatten von Tet : die Vietnam-Mission der Medizinischen Fakultät Freiburg (1961-1968) / Simon Reuter.
Reuter, Simon, 1975-Date: [2011], ©2011- Books
The Pasteur Institutes between the two world wars : the transformation of the international sanitary order / Anne Marie Moulin.
Moulin, Anne Marie.Date: 1995- Books
300 Jahre deutsch-japanische Beziehungen in der Medizin / E. Kraas, Y. Hiki Hrsg ; unter Mitarbeit von I. Umhauer = Nichi-Doku igaku kōryū no 300-nen / E. Kurāsu, Hiki, Yoshiki hen ; henshū kyōryoku I. Umuhauā.
Date: 1992- Books
The scientific background of the International Sanitary Conferences, 1851-1938 / Norman Howard-Jones.
Howard-Jones, Norman.Date: 1975- Books
Die medizinische Beziehungen zwischen Bulgarien und Deutschland in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts / B.J. Miloschev.
Miloschev, B. J.Date: 1968