69 results filtered with: Facsimiles
- Books
Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Etymologiarvm sive originvm libri XX / recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instrvxit W.M. Lindsay.
Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636.Date: [1985]- Pictures
- Online
A male nude with the parts of the abdomen and thorax labelled. Colour process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.
Date: [1926]Reference: 26656i- Books
Ars memorativa aus der Offizin von Anton Sorg in Augsburg zirka 1490, getreu dem in nur e. paar Ex. erhaltenen Orig. neu gedr. / [Vorw.: E. Weil].
Date: 1925- Pictures
- Online
A male nude with the parts of the abdomen and thorax labelled. Process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.
Date: [1926]Reference: 26688i- Books
Theatrum sanitatis : Biblioteca Casanatense / [traducción Anne Barton de Mayor ; equipo editorial Mónica Miró, Cristina Ortunő].
Date: [1999], ©1999- Books
The annals of the Cakchiquels : the original text / with a translation, notes and introduction by Daniel G. Brinton.
Date: 1885- Pictures
- Online
An anatomist making an incision from the neck through the upper ribs of a skeletal cadaver. He stands behind the cadaver, his right hand cutting with a large blade while his left arm comes round the cadaver's neck as he uses his left hand to pull back the ribs at the incision. Colour process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.
Date: [1926]Reference: 26665i- Books
Miracles of military medicine / Albert Q. Maisel.
Maisel, Albert Q.Date: [????]- Books
Examen apothecariorum / Pedro Benedicto Mateo.
Mateo, Pedro Benedicto, active 1497.Date: [1991]- Books
On the genesis of the ovum of manmmals and of man = de ovi mammalium et hominis genesi epistolam ad Academiam Imperialem Scientiarum Petropolitanam / Carolus Ernestus a Baer ; translated by Charles Donald O'Malley ; with an introduction by I. Bernard Cohen.
Baer, Karl Ernst von, 1792-1876.Date: 1956- Books
Facsimile of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Digby 86 / with an introduction by Judith Tschann and M.B. Parkes.
Bodleian Library.Date: 1996- Books
- Online
The Royal library, Copenhagen / by Anker Kyster.
Kyster, Anker, 1864-1939.Date: 1938- E-journals
- Online
The journal of race development
Date: 1910-1919- Books
National commercial directory : Herefordshire, Leicestershire, Monmouthsire, Rutlandshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, North Wales, South Wales / Pigot and Co., 1835.
J. Pigot & Co.Date: [1996], ©1996- Books
Observationes anatomicae / [Gabriel Falloppio] ; a cura di Gabrielle Righi Riva e Pericle di Pietro.
Falloppio, Gabriele, 1523-1562.Date: 1964- Books
Cooperstown TV is a museum / [The Videofreex Media-bus, Inc.]
Videofreex (Production company)Date: [1973]- Pictures
Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale: an address by Queen Victoria on his death. Process print, 1892.
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901.Date: [1892]Reference: 2969776i- Books
Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt / William Wittman.
Wittman, William, active 1799-1804.Date: 1971- Books
Remèdes contre la peste : fac-similés, notes et liste bibliographique des incunables sur la peste / A.C. Klebs et E. Droz.
Klebs, Arnold C. (Arnold Carl), 1870-1943.Date: 1925- Books
L'histoire de la nature des oyseaux / Pierre Belon du Mans ; fac-similé de l'édition de 1555, avec introduction et notes par Philippe Glardon.
Belon, Pierre, 1517?-1564.Date: 1997- Books
A medieval herbal : a facsimile of British Library Egerton MS 747 / introduction by Minta Collins, list of plants by Sandra Raphael.
Date: 2003- Books
- Online
Ars moriendi (editio princeps, circa 1450) : A reproduction of the copy in the British museum / edited by W. Harry Rylands ; with an introduction by George Bullen.
Date: 1881- Pictures
- Online
A skeletal cadaver with two flaps of skin of the abdomen cut away to reveal the subcutaneous layer of muscle and fat, labelled "mirac". Process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.
Date: [1926]Reference: 26662i- Books
Reproduction of Wellcome MS. 8932.
Stevens, RosemaryDate: 2015- Books
Goa, and the blue mountains, or, Six months of sick leave / Richard Francis Burton ; with an introduction by Dane Kennedy.
Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890.Date: [1991], ©1991