15 results filtered with: Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660
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Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, A treatise wherein the right way and best manner of living for attaining to a long and healthfull life, is clearly demonstrated and punctually applied to every age and constitution of body. Much more enlarged than the former impressions / By Tho. Venner Doctor of Physick in Bathe. Whereunto is annexed by the same authour, a very necessary, and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe. With a censure of the medicinall faculties of the water of St. Vincents-Rocks neer the city of Bristoll. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco. All which are likewise amplified since the former impressions.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1650- Books
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Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, A treatise wherein the right way and best manner of living for attaining to a long and healthfull life, is clearly demonstrated and punctually applyed to every age and constitution of body : The fourth impression, amplified with many profitable additions. By Tob. Venner Doctor of Physick in Bathe. Whereunto is annexed a very necessary and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe; with a censure of the medicinal faculties of the water of St. Vincent's Rocks near the city of Bristol. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco, by the same author.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: Anno 1660- Books
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Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, A plain philosophicall demonstration of the nature, faculties, and effects of all such things as by way of nourishments make for the preservation of health : with divers necessary dieteticall observations; as also of the true use and effects of sleep, exercise, excretions, and perturbations, with just applications to every age, constitution of body, and time of yeere. By To. Venner, Doctor of Physick in Bathe. Whereunto is annexed by the same author, a necessary and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe, with a censure of the medicinable faculties of the water of Saint Vincent's rocks neere the city of Bristoll. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1637- Books
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Via recta ad vitam longam, or, A plain philosophicall demonstration of the nature, faculties, and effects of all such things as by way of nourishments make for the preservation of health : with divers necessary dieteticall observations, as also of the true use and effects of sleep, exercise, excretions, and perturbations, with just applications to every age, constitution of body, and time of yeere / by To. Venner ... ; whereunto is annexed by the same author, a necessary and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe, with a censure of the medicinable faculties of the water of Saint Vincent's rocks neere the city of Bristoll ; as also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1638- Books
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Via recta ad vitam longam, or, A plain philosophicall discourse of the nature, faculties, and effects of all such things as by way of nourishments, and dieteticall obseruations, make for the preseruation of health : with their iust applications vnto euery age, constitution of body, and time of yeare : wherein also by way of introduction, the nature and choise of habitable places, with the true vse of our famous bathes of Bathe, is perspicuously demonstrated / by To. Venner ... ; whereunto is also annexed a compendious treatise concerning the true use of tobacco by the same author.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1638- Books
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Via recta ad vitam longam: or, A plaine philosphicall demonstration of the nature, faculties, and effects of all such things as by way of nourishments make for the preseruation of health : with diuers necessary dieticall obseruations; as also of the true vse and effects of sleepe, exercise, excretions and perturbations, with iust applications to euery age, constitution of body, and time of yeere: by To. Venner, Doctor of Physicke in Bathe. Whereunto is annexed a necessary and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe, lately published by the same author.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1628- Books
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Viæ rectæ ad vitam longam, pars secunda : VVherein the true vse of sleepe, exercise, excretions, and perturbations is, with their effects, discussed and applied to euery age, constitution of body, and time of yeare. By To: Venner Doctor of Physicke in Bathe.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1623- Books
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A briefe and accurate treatise, concerning, the taking of the fume of tobacco : vvhich very many, in these dayes, doe too too licentiously vse. In which, the immoderate, irregular, and vnseasonable vse thereof is reprehended, and the true nature and best manner of vsing it, perspicuously demonstrated. By Tobias Venner, Doctor of Physicke in Bath, in the spring and fall, and at other times, in the borough of North Petherton neare to the ancient hauen towne of Bridge-water in Somersetshire.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1621- Books
Via recta ad vitam longam: or, a plaine philosophicall demonstration of the nature, faculties, and effects of all such things as by way of nourishments make for the preservation of health, with divers necessary dieticall observations; as also of the true use and effects of sleepe, exercise, excretions and perturbations, with just applications to every age, constitution of body, and time of yeere ... Whereunto is annexed a necessary and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe / Lately published by the same author.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1628- Books
- Online
A briefe and accurate treatise, concerning the taking of the fume of tobacco, which very many ... doe too too licentiously use / [Tobias Venner].
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1621- Books
- Online
Via recta ad vitam longam, or A plaine philosophicall discourse of the nature, faculties, and effects, of all such things as by way of nourishments, and dieteticall obseruations, make for the preseruation of health : with their iust applications vnto euery age, constitution of body, and time of yeare. Wherein also, by way of introduction, the nature and choise of habitable places, with the true vse of our famous bathes of Bathe, is perspicuously demonstrated. The second edition, corrected, and enlarged: by To: Venner, Doctor of Physicke, in Bathe.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1622- Books
Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, a treatise wherein the right way and best manner of living for attaining to a long and healthfull life, is clearly demonstrated and punctually applied to every age and constitution of body. Much more enlarged than the former impressions / by Tho. Venner ... Whereunto is annexed by the same author, a very necessary, and compendius treatise of the famous baths of Bathe. With a censure of the medicinall faculties of the water of St. Vincents-Rocks neer the city of Bristoll. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco. All ... amplified.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660.Date: 1650- Books
Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, a treatise wherein the right way and best manner of living for attaining to a long and healthfull life, is clearly demonstrated ... Whereunto is annexed ... a treatise of the famous baths of Bathe. With a censure of the medicinall faculties of the water of St. Vincents-Rocks neer ... Bristoll. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco. All ... amplified / [Tobias Venner].
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660.Date: 1660- Books
- Online
Via recta ad vitam longam, or A plaine philosophical discourse of the nature, faculties, and effects, of all such things, as by way of nourishments, and dieteticall obseruations, make for the preseruation of health : with their iust applications vnto euery age, constitution of bodie, and time of yeare. Wherein also, by way of introduction, the nature and choice of habitable places, with the true vse of our famous bathes of Bathe is perspicuously demonstrated. By To: Venner, Doctor of Physicke, at Bathe in the spring, and fall, and at other times in the burrough of North-Petherton neere to the ancient hauen-towne of Bridgewater in Somerset-shire.
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1620- Books
Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, a plain philosophicall demonstration of the nature, faculties, and effects of all such things as by way of nourishments make for the preservation of health, with divers necessary dieteticall observations; as also of the true use and effects of sleep, exercise, excretions, and perturbations, with just applications to every age, constitution of body, and time of yeere ... Whereunto is annexed ... a necessary and compendious treatise of the famous baths of Bathe, with a censure of the medicinable faculties of the water of Saint Vincent's Rocks neere the city of Bristoll. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco / [Tobias Venner].
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660Date: 1638