16 results filtered with: Scot, Michael, approximately 1175-approximately 1234
- Books
Alberti Magni De secretis mvliervm libellus, scholiis auctus, & a mendis repurgatus. Eivsdem de virtvtibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium quorundam libellus. Item de mirabilibus mundi. Adjecimus et ob materiae similitudienem Michaelis Scoti de secretis naturae / [Albertus].
Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-1280.Date: 1615- Books
- Online
Liber physiognomiae / [Michael Scot].
Scot, Michael, approximately 1175-approximately 1234.Date: [1490]- Books
Physionomia / [Michael Scot].
Scot, Michael, approximately 1175-approximately 1234Date: 1549- Books
Physionomia / [Michael Scot].
Scot, Michael, approximately 1175-approximately 1234Date: 1546- Books
De animalibus / [Avicenna].
Avicenna, 980-1037.Date: [1500?]- Books
- Online
The philosophers banquet : furnished with few dishes for health: but large discourse for pleasure. Dilating by table, conference [sic] of the natures and qualities of things, the alterations & changes of states, of the ingenious and acted conceitednes of men, both phisically, and philosophically. Translated by W.B. Esquire.
Date: 1609- Books
Mensa philosophica que tractat de his quibus utimur in mensa: de naturis rerum videlicet cibi et potus: de questionibus mensalibus usuarijs ac iocundis quibus in mensa recreamur: deque conditionibus eorum quibus in mensa conuersamur philosophice hylariterque procedit.
Date: 1514- Books
De animalibus. Pt. 2, Books XI-XIV: Parts of animals / edited by Aafke M.I. Van Oppenraaij / Aristotle ; Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin translation.
Aristotle.Date: 1998- Books
Liber physiognomiae / [Michael Scot].
Scot, Michael, approximately 1175-approximately 1234.Date: [1488]- Books
- Online
De animalibus / [Avicenna].
Avicenna, 980-1037.Date: 1500- Books
Aristotle De animalibus : Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin translation. Part three, books XV-XIX, Generation of animals / [edited] by Aafke M.I. van Oppenraaij ; with a Greek index to De generatione animalium by H.J. Drossart Lulofs.
Aristotle.Date: 1992- Books
- Online
Liber physiognomiae / [Michael Scot].
Scot, Michael, approximately 1175-approximately 1234.Date: [1477]- Books
Albertvs Magnvs De secretis mvliervm. Item de virtutibus herbarum lapidum et animalium / [Albertus].
Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-1280.Date: 1655- Books
- Online
The philosophers banquet : Newly furnished and decked forth with much variety of many seuerall dishes, that in the former seruice were neglected. Where now not onely meats and drinks of all natures and kindes are serued in, but the natures and kindes of all disputed of. As further, dilated by table-conference, alteration, and changes of states, diminution of the stature of man, barrennesse of the earth, with the effectes and causes thereof, phisically and philosophically. The second edition, newly corrected and inlarged, to almost as much more. By W.B. Esquire.
Date: 1614- Books
The texts of Michael Scot's Ars alchemie / S. Harrison Thomson.
Thomson, Samuel Harrison, 1895-1975.Date: 1938- Books
Liber physiognomiae / [Michael Scot].
Scot, Michael, approximately 1175-approximately 1234.Date: [1500?]